Rocky Chorio Show

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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby Gemma1 » 24 Jun 2019, 08:04

Another great read and lovely photos, though I think those very salty olives are giving you an excuse to drink more ;) . Back yesterday from 2 weeks island hopping and the weather in Yorkshire is grey and damp at the moment so really enjoying getting a Symi fix to help with the post holiday blues :D
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby silverfox » 24 Jun 2019, 10:06

Bonus picture for all you at home

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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby Lisa B » 24 Jun 2019, 21:03

Silverfox, you certainly serve up a treat of Symi times, you make it sound so familiar. Thank you, lovely treat to sit and savour your words :D
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby silverfox » 25 Jun 2019, 05:42

Monday 24th June

Monday Monday

Well the temperatures have certainly ramped up so there will be even less activity from us two for the next few days.

I’m up and around at just after 7am sorting the blog and making coffee. Liz appears around 8.30 and today we are determined to go to Pedi to lay about for a while by the sea.

Being so kind to Liz we stay on the road instead of cutting through the valley on her first walk down. As Lakis passes on the bus I’m sure he’s thinking “bloody hell she can walk”. Liz is one of his best customers while we are on Symi! I must admit my back is not good and I have sciatica pains down my right leg so I’m taking it easy too!

Taking no water, when we reach the shop by the taxi boat we have a Peach Iced Tea and water and sit for a while watching the little fish swimming in the clear water.


George is very busy, on his boat, taking people, including Greek families over to St Nicks beach which is still on our mental list of things to do. If we’d made a printed itinerary like D&E I think that would have been binned by now! :)

We take a short walk to the left and set up camp on the free sunbeds by Taverna Tolis. Yes they are free and some people even fetch all there own food and not use the Taverna which is a bit out of order!

I laid in the full sun for a while while Liz read her kindle in the shade and around 11.45am we had to give up and made our way to the taverna….15 feet at least!

It's a hard Life

Now this place is like Greece of old and the service is very laid back with mainly young girls on holiday from school serving say 12, 13 year olds. Nothing wrong at all, in our eyes, but you may need to go find them or shout up if you have time issues. We love the old Greece!

I have a Mythos and Liz a coke and when the menus appear we grab one to save a little time.

We order Dolmades, Moussaka and chips and another drink which is served much sooner than we thought it would. The food is excellent and very filling….11 dolmades as a starter!




They are trying to improve the little beach as they have had a delivery of small pebbles ready to spread.

I leave Liz at the shop as I slowly climb the road back up changing shirts at the apartments before we meet again at the rainbow for our afternoon refreshment. Yianni provides mezes yet again with beetroot instead of the salty olives which is nice.


The time passes so fast as we are joined by Colette with all her stories and knowledge of the island.

Just before we leave a local takes a tumble on the steps just below us and a few rush to make sure she’s ok. A sore back and elbow for a few weeks no doubt but she carries on her way down after some water and a minutes rest. You do have to be careful on the steps!

All our energy is sapped by the heat we call at the bakery and the supermarket for cakes and bread etc.. and after catching the last 30 minutes of bearable sunshine in the courtyard we have a simple yet nice meal on our balcony.

The eggs are so good!

We have bought Ouzo so I will try not to stay up too long!

The aircon is on and we have ice!

late view.jpg

As the cicadas sing and the goats bleat we think of tomorrow and keep changing our minds! much to do, or not do, with so little time!
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby silverfox » 25 Jun 2019, 05:56

Many thanks for all the kind messages!

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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby silverfox » 26 Jun 2019, 08:07

Tuesday 25th June

Ruby Tuesday

Awake at just after 6am I’m trying to force myself back to sleep but Liz has no trouble snoring away.

After sorting yesterdays blog I’m out of the traps, with water, as it’s very hot even though it’s only 7.50am and off up the road past the sports hall. Up the winding road I turn left just on the corner after the Kantina. You soon reach the bridge repair just past the cemetery and with care I make my way across.

Bridge repairs

The roadway is good with fantastic views and you are alone apart from the goats and lizards. I reach the Zoodhochos Pighi Monastery where the gates are locked so I rest for a while taking on water.

Sorry for the scrolling on this view picture....but It's worth it! :)

What a view!


I try a few Facebook Live videos on the way down but I’ve never really used it so they were pretty poor I think!

Back at number 24 Liz is getting ready and rushed off, forgetting her hat, to catch the 9.30am bus while ?I had a quick shower. I’m soon off down the Kali Strata with nobody heading up and just the cats for company.

Kali cats

We spot adverts for the Coke Bottles with Symi Houses on, so we must seek out one of these soon!


We meet up in the soft seats for a Cafe Latte and watch the world go by, but It’s slightly quieter as The Poseidon is out on a private trip.

Tending to his nets

We sit at clock tower for a while watching the boats come in and the shuttle from yet another big cruise ship anchored off out in the bay. There are a few refugees and migrants trickling through so the Police Station is housing a few and some more arrive on the Coast Guard Boat.

Pidgeons get hot too!

We slowly meander round to Tholos where a few are already sat waiting for them to start serving food. We again order too much, Chicken in wine and Almonds, Giant Beans and so happy to get my much needed Lemon potato fix!

Chicken with Wine and Almonds with the amazing Lemon Potatoes!

I’m off up the road, doing a litter pick on the way, and Liz takes the bus.

The Rainbow timewarp kicks in, with Yianni serving us Mezes for the 3rd day running, before Gwen and Pete decide to go back down to Yialos for something snacky and we tag along. They lead us to the ευοι ευαν close to the bridge where there is talk of simple fish and chips. Unfortunately they had sold out so I went for a burger, Liz an Omelette, Pete Club Sandwich and Gwen Pizza.

My homemade burger was very good but very filling!

Nice Burger

Taxi back and G&P dropped us off at Campos on their way up top. There does seem to be many more Taxis available this year and when there are a few of you it’s cheaper than the bus!

Taken from a moving taxi

A few Ouzos on the balcony brought another lovely day to an end.

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Fading light

It’s all going too fast!
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby Gemma1 » 26 Jun 2019, 08:58

More great reading and those lemon potatoes look so delicious :D

I can't remember ever finding the gates at the Zoodhochos Pighi Monastery locked, what a shame. I like to sit on the wall there reading my book whilst stopping every few minutes to admire that wonderful view.

Enjoy the rest of your trip :D
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby silverfox » 26 Jun 2019, 21:56

They are always locked for me Gemma, I undo the bolts, try the handles, even look for hidden keys!

Perhaps I'm just unlucky.

I did get the view though!

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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby silverfox » 26 Jun 2019, 22:14

Wednesday 26th June

Walk Like a Man

Early to bed early to rise, you would think, but being awake early and then trying to sleep in never seems to work for me so yes I’m up early!

My back is giving me some problems this morning, I’m up and around but any thoughts of lying on a sunbed for a few hours are out of the question. Although my brain is telling me to walk, well at least a gentle walk.

I have been trying to do some of the blog at night but I’ve been lazy so I had to start from scratch...D&E seem so good at this even with all that food and drink to slow them do they do it I wonder? So as Liz is taking her time I manage to catch up but she is off out for the bus before I’ve showered.

I don’t fancy all the steps so I’m soon up passing the windmills and off down the road, stopping to take in one of my favourite views.

THAT view

Our usual Cafe Latte stop at the soft/comfy seats and then a sit on a bench in front of Mike’s Sponge shop to take in a little of the sun….by gum it’s warm!

Michael swatting flies

Much needed refreshments at Elpidas with the very generous meze which includes some very nice cheese scones Symi style.


The heat is making the Mozzie bites quite itchy and todays blog from James Collins of Symi Dream fame suggest haemorrhoid cream as a great solution. Pile it on I say!

It is very quiet down here today but as the Nickaloas arrives we make our way around and across the bridge to have a Giros Pitta at the little place next to the herb stall and very nice it was too and great value!


Giros Pitta


We stop for a chat with the ever lovely Jordana at To Spitiko before calling at the kiosk by the bus stop where we both got a drink and found one of the Symi/Rhodes Coke bottles to buy.

A faster, in my dreams, walk up the road with yet another small litter pick, despite my back problems, a young Chinese couple have found THAT view and are posing for each other, but before soon I'm tasting a very well earned cool beer in that bar in Chorio.

A quick timewarp of laughter, Idle chat, saying goodbye to people who we will no doubt meet again and people watching and we are heading off back to number 24. Did I mention the beer?

We sit in the courtyard taking in the last of the early evening sun which is so nice compared to the heat of the day before a quick shower and down the road.

Staying at Taxiarchis you are so close to The Secret Garden, which in 5 years we have failed to visit but we put it right tonight! We were greeted by Katcha who we met on our first visit when she worked as a rep for Olympic.

We had the Meze deal of Beetroot, Olives, Giant Beans, Sausage stew, Spicy Cheese, Meatballs and bread plus a superb King Prawn Saganaki all washed down with white wine and we have to say the food and the setting was just divine.

Secret Garden Mezes

Secret Garden

Liz could not resist the Apple Cake and Ice Cream before we made our way back to the apartment.

The Ouzo night cap and another day on this magical rock with all the memories comes to an end.

Tomorrow we will make some more!
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby Gemma1 » 27 Jun 2019, 08:20

Two updates in one day, you are spoiling us ;) I love the meze at Secret Garden, it's excellent value for what you get and Katja's apple cake is delicious. Had an email from Olympic yesterday which included special offers for Symi in July/August. Not sure I could stand the heat that time of year but will check last night's lotto numbers just in case :)
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby D and E » 27 Jun 2019, 10:43

Having an espresso break around 10 every morning and the Symi Fix (that’s your Blog and not the amber stuff you get in Elpida’s :D ) is part of the daily routine when you guys are on the rock.

The lovely Secret Garden (at the bottom of our steps when in Anastasia’s) has only ever been an O&R (ouzo & retsina) stop for us but that pic of the mezes will certainly make us rethink that in future.

Wondering where you are today :?:

We will see tomorrow 8-)
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby silverfox » 27 Jun 2019, 12:36

Yes the apple cake is very nice Gemma.

The Prawn Saganaki is worth going for alone D&E

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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby silverfox » 27 Jun 2019, 20:00

Thursday 27th June

The Heat is On

Early update to save me time tomorrow....

Liz managed to get out of bed before me this morning, not surprising as I was still drinking Ouzo past midnight, but when I did venture I found her laid in the spare bed in the living area reading on her much used Kindle.

Number 24 is very nice with a separate bedroom with aircon, good sized wardrobes, table and chairs another 1 bed and 2 sofa type beds. Balcony overlooking Pedi Bay and a courtyard at the back overlooking Franks little chapel.

Quick discussion about beaches which didn’t end in favour.

Symi Coke

No breakfast, as we had now planned a bigger lunch and an early night, and I’m off and down the Kali Strata just past 9am.

Kali Strata view

Just a warning for anyone coming over soon It’s hot hot hot! So another large water from the supermarket before heading behind the square and up the very steep hill.

Liz, by the way, is making her own way down to Yialos for coffee and a couple of hours readiing

With a few pauses for breath I reach just past the cemetery and find a Symi road block, no not the ones in the harbour when the ferry arrives at the clock tower but a real live one of goats, plenty of them. I give them right of way and they seem to know where they are going, well perhaps more than this old goat, and I get a nod from the shepherd who was on a moped….all mod cons!

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Symi Road Block

I soon reach the church and Gemma….full access this time, the gate is open the doors are unlocked so I have a real good nosy around taking pictures of the wonderful views. I did with all respect put my shirt back on whilst there.

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As I was leaving I went passed the big tree and I was startled by a Kestral flying quite close to my head. There was a hole in the tree so it may be nesting there….not a bad place to live!


I make sure to close the doors and gates and just beyond pause for the superb view that just does it for me!

THAT view

I slowly walk down the zig zag path pausing every few minutes to take in the views, you need to do this as the path is not so smooth and you really need to look where you are walking.

view 3.jpg

I turn right at the bottom and head back to the port along the road….is it just me or my bad memory or have they improved the steps down to the rocks?

zig zag.jpg

I turn right at the little road up to the church above Nos beach and encounter a couple of lizards who I rudely disturbed their basking in the sun! I do apologise!


A little time spent at the church taking picture before I was soon down the paths and out by the boat yard and around to Liz in the soft seats for a Caffe Latte.

church 3.jpg

After buying bread round at the new bakery back round at the square we make our way to the Trawler for a nice lunch of Garlic Potatoes, Cheese Croquettes and a Chicken Souvlaki, beer and water. It looks like the fish has gone back to kg instead of a fixed price so we did not take the chance although I’m sure we would have been OK if we’d really fancied it.

Chicken Souvlaki

A quick chat with G&P and Frank by his boat with Frank warning of even higher temps tomorrow!

We were quite early but instead of calling at another bar we stopped for a drink at To Spitiko where we booked a table for 4 for tomorrows’ll find out who tomorrow.

Liz goes for the bus and as usual I’m off up the road in rising heat, litter picking, and arrive wet through at The Rainbow for a cold beer! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!

I’ll not list the number of subjects discussed at this bar as the Symi Chat doesn’t have enough bandwidth to cope. :)

A quick trip to the supermarket for some supplies and as I catch the late sun Liz rustles up a bacon and egg sarnie and I start on the Metaxa night caps before an early night.

As we sit a goat down below is on 2 legs trying to get to the young figs on the tree below the balcony.

Fig Thief

This magical rock never fails to delight!
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby silverfox » 28 Jun 2019, 20:55

Friday 28th June

The Boys Are Back In Town or Rose Garden (your choice today)

It has been 38º in the shade most days we’ve been here so the aircon has been a must but it does annoy you with the noise and when you get too cold. It also dries our eyes out which makes us feel even more sleepy as if the sea air is not enough.

I’m up at just after 7am and out before 8am and up to the old castle area above all the old windmills.

Just needs a bit of paint!

What you doing here?

Welcomed by a few live goats I take in the views with a few photos and just sit for a while soaking it all in!


Just a warning for anyone coming across soon just before the gates is a dead goat rotting away in the hot sun.

My shirt already wet through I’m back at the square and up the road towards the other castle area.

A step...who lives in a house like this?

I’m up here trying to find a location of an unused house on a video I made a few years back to take some more pictures so I’m wandering the lanes like a daft old English man...I’m sure you have all seen one...perhaps this week too! Anyway I finally find it right in the top corner just before you get to the old donkey track, not an old donkey It’s the track that’s old!

Well all the climbing was to bear no fruit as the house was now being renovated with a painted door and all the stuff outside that the builders need! I wander back down the lanes right across to the open museum and back down through the lanes that we used to walk when up at Sevasti Studios.

Just as an aside a car pulled up one one of our walks a few days back and it was Fortina from up at Sevasti and we caught up with the latest news on Nikos, her brother, who is still in Athens recovering from his stroke, with his mum by his side. Such a lovely family! We will return to Sevasti one day if Liz can get her breathing right.

Back at number 24 a quick shower and I’m off for a slow walk down the road and Liz catching the 10.30am bus. Litter pick down as well as up today.

Number 24 is top floor of the white apartment with the little chapel to the right

We are soon around at the Perffeto Gelateria the new ice cream place with cakes too and a couple of scoops each!


A usual coffee stop at the soft seats before making our way along to To Spitiko where we were soon joined by our guests Toby and Neil.

White wine, water and 3 of us had the Sole...think English fish and chips...well quite close, and Toby went for Chicken Souvlaki after the starters of cheese balls and what I think is a very good tzatziki. A very pleasant lunch, good company, good food, great view and all looked after by the wonderful Jordana.

Fish and chips

Liz and the boys took a taxi and I have a power walk up the road….you may laugh (I do) but I usually go home fitter than when I arrived. That cool beer waiting at the top helps with any motivation issues. G&P joined us from up above for the idle chat and laughter.

A new flower shop, owned by the old flower shop people, is just opening up across from the Olive Tree and Neil being Neil is off down there and back with a red rose for us all and one of the Greek locals who is around most days in the Rainbow.

Rose garden.jpg
I beg your pardon....

It was very nice of Neil to do this but the local was slightly bemused by it all...perhaps flowers and Greek men don’t mix!

Now Yianni should put a sign up “we stayed too long” and we do before heading to the supermarket at Campos for more water and a few other bits.

Liz is too full and too tired, to go back out so we use up the bacon for sandwiches for me and an omelette for Liz...she loves the eggs so much I think they have put the chickens on overtime!

Neils gift

Metaxa night caps on the balcony and we soon retreat to the aircon as the mozzies are so active.

We have had a simple but yet such a wonderful day with good friends, what a magical rock this is!
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby silverfox » 29 Jun 2019, 20:09

The sun is taking it's toll...Avrio avrio!

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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby silverfox » 30 Jun 2019, 06:42

Saturday 29th June

Mad dogs and Englishmen

Over breakfast of a soft boiled egg and bread we plan the day ahead.

We have a new small guest this morning...I say small it’s about 2.5” wide!

New guest

We change the plan and head down the Pedi road.

Pedi Goat.jpg
Pedi Goat

We take Georges little boat round to St Nics beach in the hot morning sunshine. It’s the first time we’ve used the little boat and a very pleasant little journey is enjoyed.


We set a camp up near the church and the boats start to arrive from Yialos too and although it doesn’t get really busy it starts to come alive. Down round the mobile jetty a couple think they have the quietest spot until 5 young boys around 9-13 years old, from a Greek party, start dving from the jetty. Let’s just say they are enjoying themselves.


After a few hours laid on a sunbed my back is starting to give me some real pain so we make our way to the Taverna for some lunch.

St Nics Taverna

We shared a Feta and Tomato Salad, Ham Omelette and some chips washed down with a couple of Zythos Vap, Greek lager beer. The chips were frozen, not from the nice Greek potatoes.


We don’t wait for the boat to take us back and head slowly back up the steps and on to the track to Pedi. Note: very slowly. Liz stops a few times to take on water and as we were reaching the gate we could see the yellow bus come round the corner by the kiosk.

The walk back to Pedi

Liz has her bus trip back up to Campos while I set off through the valley in the heat and by the time I’m back up at number 24 Liz is already laid with the aircon rumbling away.

Hard work these beaches!

I have a quick shower and I’m soon sat up at the Rainbow with a cool beer and everyone thinks I’ve abandoned Liz at the beach but she’s having a nap and a shower before venturing anywhere. I’m nodding off too as I struggle with my beer.

Liz finally arrives for the last drink before we are heading up the lanes as we’ve been invited up by G&P to the lovely house they are staying at for nibbles and to try to use up some of their vast wine cellar as they go home the day after us.

Up just past the square there is a new patisserie in what I think was a juicebar/fruit shop last time we were here. Note: We must try the nice looking cakes before going home.

We do get lost a few times but as long as you know the general direction and keep going up you can usually find your way to any destination.

They would not carry the wardrobe any further up so Liz escaped and walked. (Long standing joke with my friends)

Another spider on their courtyard wall. I think these things are following us around just to make sure we keep moving. It’s still 35º in the shade.

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Venomous, casts a big shadow and hairy legs...but that's enough about Liz here's a spider!

We have some nice cheese, tomatoes, bread and crackers and talking of crackers we get a daft picture from Neil & Toby and as I’m checking that out Gwen has taken the innards out of the wine box and is squeezing the last drips out of bag!

The link below is this wonderful house.

As we say our goodbyes a dog starts chasing us down the lanes but anytime we turn to look, he’s off like a shot jumping like a goat.

Mad dog!

I think the heat is sending everyone mad including the dogs!

We are early enough to go out for a meal but the heat is beating everyone it seems. The Tavernas must be losing out as people are all saying to us they are struggling to eat a big meal.

We are exhausted so a little red wine on the balcony listening to the goats as the light fades into darkness.

Some new arriver's are just venturing out as we think about bed.

Enjoy your meals on this little hot paradise.
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby silverfox » 01 Jul 2019, 11:05

Sunday 30th June

My Secret Garden

I am awake at 6am making coffee to the sound of the cockerels underneath the kitchen window as you are so close to nature staying here.

Good morning!

The blog is soon completed thanks to an early night and just red wine instead of Metaxa night caps.

I’m showered and on my 3rd coffee as lazy Liz finally decides to appear but I’m not waiting and I’m off out just after 9am with no thoughts of lying around on a sunbed with my aching back. Gentle walking is the plan so I’m off up and beyond the windmills to the main road and greeting by yet more barking dogs!

Woof woof!

There’s a nice breeze this morning and I actually pass someone walking up the hill which is a rare sight indeed. A Greek lady walking her dog, this one didn’t feel the need to bark at me. I never seem to get the greeting to match, me..kalimera, she..yassas.

View from the road

Walking up or down the road can be a little noisy when busy with the bikes coming up with their noisy exhausts – the ones coming down are quiet as the locals free wheel with the engines switched off to save on fuel.

A leisurely walk around the harbour but only as far as the boatyard taking photos as I go. Back round near the clock tower I sit in the sun for a while watching all the boats coming and going and then spot the yellow bus heading down the hill. I walk back round and meet Liz by the cash machine where we get a little extra out in case we need it.

Boat yard


Passing Franks boat we wish him happy birthday while he’s chatting to G&P who had been on the bus down with Liz.

We have a quick Caffe Latte in the soft seats and then did a little shopping, a cute little hat for Ruby our grand daughter before making our way towards the clock tower.

We never made it past Elpidas where we while away a little time people watching with a beer followed by an Ouzo with Liz sticking to cola lite. The drinks once again come with those wonderful mezes.

Spinach and Feta Meze at Elpidas

Such colour

After getting my water at the kiosk and Liz waits for her bus I nearly see 2 accidents within a few hundred yards. First one of the mini buses is reversing and a guy just walking towards it and I’m thinking he was going to take something out of the back but the bus keeps going. I’m just about to shout and the driver spots him at the last second, stops, and shouts at the guy. A little further up and just going round one of the sweeping corners and a motor bike comes flying up the road into the bend and a car is on the wrong side coming down so he slams the brakes on as the car swerves back to the right side.

We have our usual afternoon chill out at the Rainbow but leave a little early and sit in the late sun in the courtyard back at number 24.

We sit weighing up if our early plans are now reality. We had planned on a night down, perhaps trying the new place opened in the old Mythos looking out over the harbour and as happens all to often on Symi we changed our minds.

We have a quick shower and take the short walk to The Secret Garden and we have a choice of where to sit as we are the first in. We are soon joined by others
We order Bouyiourdi, Lamb Lemonista and Chicken Roquefort with a litre of house white wine.

Lamb Lemonista

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A bit of everything - very nice food!

Liz could not resist a Lemon Sorbet for afters.

I have to say this is one of the best meals we have had on Symi, the lemon potatoes were better than Tholos, and may even come back on our final day! Try the food D&E, you know you want to!

We amble the few steps back up to Taxiarchis and sit watching the stars with an Ouzo in hand.

Taxiarchis at night with my new phone camera on night setting.

Another very simple but yet so satisfying day on our favourite rock.

Words mean nothing, you have to feel and breathe Symi.
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby D and E » 01 Jul 2019, 11:24

“Feel & breathe Symi” - never truer words written Silverfox :)
And of course in our case you can add “eat”.
Those dishes at the Secret Garden, and you guys giving the lemon potatoes the ultimate accolade, makes it a “defo” for us, even without an itinerary, for the next visit.
Great blog 8-)
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby JohnH » 01 Jul 2019, 13:30

Interesting blog. Like you, we've stayed at Sevasti the last few times in Symi but are staying at Taxiarchis this year for the first time arriving, I suspect, on the day you leave. It's been good to see your thoughts and photos of it before we arrive.
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby silverfox » 01 Jul 2019, 20:07

D and E wrote:“Feel & breathe Symi” - never truer words written Silverfox :)
And of course in our case you can add “eat”.
Those dishes at the Secret Garden, and you guys giving the lemon potatoes the ultimate accolade, makes it a “defo” for us, even without an itinerary, for the next visit.
Great blog 8-)

I did nearly say eat too.... But we are struggling with the heat. I'm sure you two would put us to shame though. :)
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