A Special Return

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Re: A Special Return

Postby silverfox » 04 Jul 2022, 16:30

D and E wrote:The Dolphin - D always says it’s the best pizza & pasta place - and not just on Sými.

We need to go back for some more of the pasta! :D
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Re: A Special Return

Postby silverfox » 04 Jul 2022, 16:35

Thomasdk wrote:Loving each photo. Any chance you could get some of the sea also? I miss that blue color and the little fish.

I have video of the little fish but these are for you Thomas.





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Re: A Special Return

Postby Thomasdk » 04 Jul 2022, 21:32

Sigh, there it is, the blue ocean. Thank you so much for taking the time to take these. :)
5 years already since I last saw that wonderful sea.
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Re: A Special Return

Postby silverfox » 05 Jul 2022, 06:55

Monday 4th July

Nothing, nothing and more nothing.

We are so lazy and with the heat seeming to notch up each day I can’t see much changing.

I’m wide awake just before 7am but force myself to rest a little more and Liz is the same.

I think with not having a proper holiday for a few years it was inevitable that we would just relax and do nothing. So all the talk of walking is now on hold if not cancelled.

We have toast, coffee and shower etc and sit on our terrace for a while taking some more of the sun.

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View from number 20

Now we know we always talk about plans not working or changing our minds but over the last few days I’ve been talking to Fotini who people will know if they have ever stopped at Sevasti. She is picking us up in her car and taking us up to Fotini House Symi which they rent out to visitors. We get picked up at Kampos at an agreed time and see that her lovely daughter is growing fast which makes us feel old.

Fotini House.jpg
Fotini House

Fotini is already aware of the blog as someone has already told her and she loves the Silverfox name which is nice. The road to the church which is called Pireotissa is just above where the house is. The house is small and rustic with 3 beds and a decent kitchen and nice bathroom. We actually know the couple who are renting it at the moment and they love it. The views are incredible and you can imagine many hours sat gazing with some simple food and a nice wine.

The view from Fotini House

We are so tempted to book a couple of days as it will be free for a few days before we go home but with Liz having mobility issues and my fragile back it’s hard to commit so we will ponder.


We wander back down through the maze of old paths passing both well renovated houses and the ruins that make this place so fascinating. Liz struggles a little on the uneven paths and steep steps so we do have to consider this carefully.

Back down through the old paths

We eventually come out next to the American supermarket, and I’ve never asked why it is called so as looks very very Greek to me. We call in at the bakery and buy fresh bread and some little choux buns filled with cool custard.

We stop at Yiannis for a soft cool drink and water and scoff the nice buns. We were tempted by Georgios and Marias but as we pass it’s totally empty so decide to venture down to the Secret Garden where it was a little busier.


I found a very nice Cider and Liz had an Amstel which she enjoys sometimes. We have the Pork again with the Bougiourdi and some beetroot. I enjoy the Cider that much I have a second.


Once again an excellent lunch in peaceful surroundings.

I make my way up to the Rainbow for my afternoon beer and Liz goes back to number 20 for a siesta.

The talk is of the price of the sunbeds at Katsaras, in Pedi, which seem rather excessive to say the least €100 for 2 but you do get fed and watered but it’s not something we will be doing.

I must say that we get the feeling that some places are trying to go a little more upmarket and that could see us looking at other islands again. We know the people have to make a living but the Greece of old with simple tavernas with no menus would still be our go to.

I walk upwards to the American supermarket for a change for a few supplies but no Metaxa to be found so call in at the one across from Ringos which only have a small bottle but we need water too and it’s the closest to Taxiarchis.

We make an egg mayonnaise on the fresh bread which will keep us going to the morning where more nothing may happen.

Bliss on this magical but very hot rock where nothing can happen.
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Re: A Special Return

Postby Lisa B » 05 Jul 2022, 11:49

Hi, spotted you out and about! Reading your blog and your comments about 'upmarket' echo what we have been observing too. Only small changes but yes they are there. Maybe this will make for a new wave of Symi visitor..... :?:
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Re: A Special Return

Postby silverfox » 05 Jul 2022, 20:34

Lisa B wrote:Hi, spotted you out and about! Reading your blog and your comments about 'upmarket' echo what we have been observing too. Only small changes but yes they are there. Maybe this will make for a new wave of Symi visitor..... :?:

Say hello if we are passing. :)
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Re: A Special Return

Postby silverfox » 06 Jul 2022, 06:51

Tuesday 5th July

Another nothing day? Hardly.

Back to the nothing day yesterday I only did 5483 steps…..Useless even in this heat.

Well I was awake at 5am but tried to nod off, as you do, and up at 7am for juice, coffee and some bread with cheese and ham.


We are thinking lunch down and perhaps a few plates up later. So I set off up past the windmills and down the road but as I get to the corner I go into where the builders vehicles are often parked and down the dusty track which will be made into a new road from the “new” port eventually. We presume they will do it in stages to let the hillside settle or due to funding etc…

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A new view from the potential new road

I’m still down early, well before Liz, so take a few photos and videos and sit just over the bridge in a very quiet harbour. It seems the day trippers boats come in later on a Tuesday and as the bus comes down the Sebeco has arrived with a few.


There is a new bin by the bridge and as I’m heading round to rendezvous with Liz at Comfy Seats I pop an empty water bottle in said new bin. THE BLOODY THING talked back at me! “Thank you for using me” Now when things like this happen I blame the drink but I’d not even had one! Another couple passing at the time turned back to have a go.

Yes there is a talking bin on Symi!

We have a lovely Cafe Latte as usual watching the world go by before a little wander looking at menus and the church etc..

We have heard some great reports about Neraidas round the back of the new square so we wander through and something I never noticed the first time is the misting sprays and “water features”. The feature seems to be a tap that filters down a glass channel that has so much condensation you can’t see the water?

Misting spray

We call at the new Traditional Produce shop near the bakery which has a large selection of Oils, Ouzo, olives and spices etc… and Liz buys a few items.


We settle in Neraidas and Liz opts for the Chicken from the oven and I go for Lamb Chops.

Chicken dish

We have to say another excellent choice of venue and meals, Liz raves about the Chicken, potatoes and the incredible sauce and my Lamb Chops are 3 times the size of the ones in Meraklis and nicer tasting. The bill with drinks was €27.00 so well worth it.


Well it’s time for the bus and we are skipping around (well both limping really) and I spot a familiar face sat in Dimitris Bar….It was only Gwen and Pete our good friends over the years who only went home just before we arrived who have decided to come back yet again for a cheeky 2 weeks.

We are slightly overwhelmed to see them and quickly join them for a catch up.

Since the lockdown and missing Symi so much I’ve started to paint “If we can’t get there I’ll paint it”

Well one of my latest is of a photo by David Linton of Gwen and Pete…..I’m calling it The Kali Strata Lovers. It’s not quite finished but here’s a preview. I’ve been encouraged to start selling my paintings but Pete wants a 99% cut and that’s before Davids demands!

Symi Lovers.jpg
Kali Strata Lovers

The catch up carries on back up at The Rainbow after a quick Taxi ride up to the Village Hotel. Just to make visitors aware the Taxi prices have now increased to €5.00.

We are soon joined by the many regulars and all our diaries fill up with meals out and boat trips etc...We actually have made some plans!

We leave before we fall down and take the few steps and into Giorgios where we finally get our Shrimp Pasties fix along with a Greek salad, chips and Garlic Mushrooms. We fail miserably to finish all this fine food and wonder how the blogging gods, D&E, ever manage to do it!



As we pass Ringos bar on the way home G&P are still out and try to coax us in but it’s been such a day with all the food and drink we decline and go to bed!

Well after a tiny bit more wine.

9831 steps.
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Re: A Special Return

Postby D and E » 06 Jul 2022, 07:48

“We leave before we fall down and take the few steps and into Giorgios where we finally get our Shrimp Pasties fix along with a Greek salad, chips and Garlic Mushrooms. We fail miserably to finish all this fine food and wonder how the blogging gods, D&E, ever manage to do it! “

Years of practice and excellent elastic in the waistband of our shorts :D :D :D
Loving the blog and awake each day in anticipation of what you guys have been up to.
Being proud possessors of one of your superb paintings we are loving the latest work - captured the Kali beautifully.
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Re: A Special Return

Postby rockbottom » 06 Jul 2022, 08:54

Really enjoying your blog and looking forward to returning for the umpteenth time in September. We are also staying in the taxiarchis which we like.
We'll miss D and E but maybe next year?
In the meantime we can still be there through your blog, thanks
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Re: A Special Return

Postby silverfox » 06 Jul 2022, 21:11

Thank you so much for the kind words D&E and Rockbottom.

I'm still busy typing up todays ramblings and mutterings (rubbish may be the word I'm looking for) through blurred Ouzo eyes!

:shock: :shock: :shock:
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Re: A Special Return

Postby silverfox » 07 Jul 2022, 08:05

Wednesday 6th July

Exercise and Ouzo!

Well it started well as we both still have a pulse which is always better than the alternatives.

Liz had threatened to go for an early swim down in Pedi but that never happened. I’m up at 7am and sorting the blog as usual with pictures to re-size and spelin (sic) mistakes to sort! It is a task every day but I do enjoy looking for some good pictures and it’s nice when people appreciate it. It is also something we will read back in the dark winter months.

After a toast and fried egg breakfast with juice and coffee of course we have half an hour on the terrace in the morning sun before my itchy feet get the better of me.

With water in hand I’m off up the road and turn left at Kampos and follow the winding road, all up hill. I get a cheery wave from Fotini who’s whizzing past on the back of a bike. It’s only 10am but the heat is already rising as I pass Costantinos Kantina and reach the top of the old Donkey Track.

The views from up here are spectacular and if you have mobility problems get a taxi up or get the Panormitis bus to drop you off. It’s worth it as the camera can’t quite capture what you see.


I can see there is a big cruise ship in Nimborio Bay which will have a shuttle boat service all day bringing people into the jetty next to the Duty Free Shop.

I carefully make the descent down the donkey track and it’s wise to have walking boots or at least trainers, please don’t try to do it with flip flops! I stop every few yards as the views change and I need to store in my memory bank….it’s so good for the soul.

I’m soon back at the top corner of the old village and down through the old paths and steps….Symi has so many steps. It would be good for someone to count them all…..any volunteers?


I give way to the two donkeys carrying up supplies through the narrow paths. A lot of the top end of the old village has never had access by cars or even bikes so everything has to be carried by hand or by beast. There is talk of a cable car to help with this issue but I can’t really see it happening.


I do really enjoy walking these paths, one of the highlights of my stays here, and you always seem to find one you have never seen before so it’s never the same.

I head back towards Taxiarchis and I get another shout of….”Again Again” from the lovely Fotini.

Boats in Pedi

Making sure I’m hydrated after my walk Liz has decided she fancies a little trip to Kameres at Pedi so she hops on the bus as I walk down the road. We enjoy a soft drink and a delicate Lemon Pie with the sublime setting.


Liz gets the next bus back and I wander up through the valley getting another Chicken fix.

Showered and watered and the 3rd shirt change of the day I’m off up to the Rainbow with Liz following on after I’d woken her from her snooze on the terrace. Some of the usual suspects appear who have already had a few elsewhere….well they are on holiday. I just can’t keep up with some of these people.

Liz and Gwen ventured to the Chinese, not a takeaway but yes there is a Chinese shop up in the villages selling mostly clothes and such. It’s in the old Syllagos Taverna.

A few of us depart at the same time and we wander down the Kali Strata which really needs to be walked to believe and thoughts of what it must have been in it’s day. We reached the bottom and sat for a while just watching the change in colours as the sun fades away.

For food we decide on a new venue of The Repeat, yes The Repeat, near the Bella Napoli which we have never tried. Now the Repeat is not in the best location but some are saying the food is good so we have to try. Liz goes for the Chicken Fillet and I plump for Chicken Slouvaki which are both better than we expected with moist, succulent chicken and home made chips. Another meal for €27.00 with drinks and a complimentary semolina cinnamon dessert and Mastika shot.



We make our way round to Dimitris for a couple of Ouzos for me and Liz has a G&T and people watch for a while as you do.

I try my best to capture some night time shots with the light traces in the water but it’s not the best of conditions as there is a nice cooling breeze tonight.


Anastasias son is our Taxi driver, who says we must stay at his mothers apartments next time as he quizzes me on my football allegiances and he is aware of both The Blades and the Owls. I firmly make him aware of where my loyalties lie!

We fully expected to see some dirty stop outs at Ringos who would have tempted us in but as they were not there we just managed to get a few supplies from the supermarket across before heading back and having a few more Ouzo night caps.

Another message when I get back with yet another invitation so from going from no plans to almost a full diary till we go home. How will we cope?

17277 steps…...I’m not counting the Ouzos!
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Re: A Special Return

Postby silverfox » 07 Jul 2022, 21:26

Thursday 7th July

Please don’t expect much of a blog today. Some pictures will be from other days.

I did have too many Ouzos last night and foolishly stayed up catching up with the news from home until 1am ish.

The day started reasonably well and we were both up just before 9am and made a bacon sandwich etc… I finished the blog and got that posted so all was well.


Liz said “well what do you want to do today”?

Well if I’m honest I want to lay back down on that bed for the day. Now I don’t really suffer from hangovers but the drink does tire me out from time to time.

So I’m in what I call the “twilight zone” where you are not really in a deep sleep but are having a rest. I wake properly at around 12 noon and Liz is on the terrace reading.


I could have stayed there but dragged myself up and washed myself down and Liz was off out for the 12.30 bus downtown and I quickly follow and headed down the road.


We wander round and eventually decided we wanted something simple so choose the Tia Giani??? The one that has started selling noodles. Now I’m one of the most positive Symi lovers around and this blog is part of that encouraging people to visit but I have to be honest. I’m a Yorkshire man!

Now they cram the tables together and it was fairly busy but we take a seat at two tiny tables near the door into the kitchen. Not across from each other as there is no room for us to sit. Well we were asked “how many”? And then Liz was rudely ordered to move across from me. Now I already had my stomach pressed hard against the table and Liz couldn’t even move the chair out far enough to sit down. I loudly said “this is ridiculous let’s go” and we walked out and vowed never to go back.

We take the few steps to the “Comfy Chairs” where the welcome is as good as ever with nice seating, hence the name, and the staff are fantastic.

Old Pharmacy.jpg
The Old Pharmacy up in the village

We order fizzy water and Liz has a mixed omelette and I had the Hamburger. Sadly I failed to take any pictures as before the food was served we were joined by G&P and L&R. The food was excellent and us and G&P take the few steps to Dimitris. A few beers for the boys and cocktails and Aperol Spritz for the girls.


I head off walking back up the road with a fine breeze as the rest take a Taxi up waving as they pass.

We have one last drink, well maybe two before heading back to number 20 for an early night but a few glasses of wine do help us head towards another sound sleep.

kali strata.jpg

Even the days that you are tired and think you wasting can still be magical on Symi.
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Re: A Special Return

Postby silverfox » 09 Jul 2022, 06:06

Friday 8th July

Well today has to be good as we normally have only come out for 2 weeks or less and we don’t have to go home today as we have in the past.

It’s also, however, reached a stage where we are so tired and we have had a night of broken sleep. Liz had some some sleep but then woke back up at midnight and read while 4am. I was outside at 5am hoping to see a full sunrise but I was too early and went back to bed.

Too early for the sunrise

It’s not just us as almost everyone we talk to today say the same.

I’m still showered by 10am and I'm off up past the windmills and down the road. I will definitely go home fitter than when I arrived, despite all the food and drink, and I think Liz will too despite her mobility problems. I’m still amazed how many people you see with limps, walking sticks and other mobility problems who are so determined to go to Symi for a holiday with all it’s steps and hills.

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You can just stay in Gialos but a lot of us like life up in the village amongst most of the local Greeks and you can as the bus is great and there are taxis….I prefer to walk everywhere when I can.

The bus, with Liz aboard passes me just as I’m heading past the new port with a Greek Gun Boat that has been around for a few days. No pictures of that are forthcoming as I want to have the rest of my holiday.

view 3.jpg

We slowly walk around to the bank on the far side as this should give us the best exchange rate, as we need extra cash. Liz has spent so much on water that I need the cash for more beer!

It’s very warm but Liz is up for a walk around to the boat yard where we intend to have coffee at the new I think Tamares Cafe Bar. Now this is where I do admit I should never be doing a blog. Always take a picture of the menu front, the full menu and any signs they may have.

I’m sorry!

Anyway the intention was for a coffee only but Liz saw a breakfast coming out and at only €7.00 each with a coffee and orange juice, 2 eggs, 2 bacon, 4 slices of cheese, 5 cocktail type sausages, 2 slices of toast, Lurpack butter and jams etc...and a Cinnamon biscuit on the house too. Great value and a nice place to sit on a morning.


Talking of eggs we have had news that my girls back home have laid eggs each day we have been away so that’s 56 eggs so far and we are paying for them here. LOL.

We head back round and sit by the clock tower for a while watching the comings and goings before heading for comfy seats for a Latte. We resist the urge of Dimitris and Liz gets the 1pm bus and I do another slowish walk back up the road. I do keep saying I should go up the Kali Strata but I really do love the views as you slowly walk up the road….so hard to beat!

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A quick re-hydration stop at number 20 before heading to the Rainbow and at first it’s quite busy with the Greeks so I sit in the “naughty chairs” (not really but just further away from the entrance to the bar where some of us prefer to sit) and as the Greeks leave I’m instructed by Yiannis to sit where I normally sit...he can’t seem to cope with me sitting all over the place. He’s a great bloke by the way with a very dry sense of humour. It’s very quiet with the regulars probably having a rest from a few heavy days of over indulging as you do on holiday.

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A very nice lady, I did ask her name but never got it, called from Lefteris Bar above “are you Silverfox” and came down for a chat. She said how many people love the blogs and it wets their appetite for the holiday coming up and thanked me for my ramblings. She also mentioned Toby’s blogs which are no more as he’s busy trying to earn his keep and I think I can say on behalf of us all we do miss them.

I also think it shows we need our Symi fix and if we can’t get here, for whatever reason, anyone who posts a few pictures or gives us the news we do love it.

I must say I missed our D&E fix before we came and let us all hope that their return will be soon.


We leave the bar and call at the supermarket and peruse what we can rustle up for a simple meal so pasta is the easiest and while thinking we forget the orange juice and water which is what we really needed….avrio!

Liz cooked a simple pasta dish of bacon, cheese, onion and tomato which is very nice as I battle with technology to watch a pre-season football match through the computer.


I get the match after half time and have a Metaxa night cap to calm my frustration.

I’m actually quite chilled and happy. I’m on Symi.

Oh….and The Blades won 2-1
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Re: A Special Return

Postby Thomasdk » 09 Jul 2022, 09:44

Thank you for continuing this wonderful blog each day. :) It may sound stupid, but I am beginning to be afraid of hitting the update button,
in case there are no more news and photos. Oh, speaking of photos, if you get the chance to snap one or two of Georginas Supermarket and
the entrance to Taxas Supermarket with the veggies and fruits outside, please do. Those are places I really do also miss. And I don't know if
you are now aware, but according to what I read a while ago (posted by either Neil or Toby) the "American" Supermarket got its name because
the owner once visited America. Seems logical when it's Symi we're talking about.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday and manage to get some rest now and then. :)
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Re: A Special Return

Postby silverfox » 09 Jul 2022, 18:15

Thank you @Thomasdk

I will hopefully carry on with the blog until the end of holiday but it is difficult eating all the nice food. This is why I walk.

I now have on my list to take pictures of any supermarket on Symi.

Symi is not all about the views and the pretty houses....it's much more than that for sure.
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Re: A Special Return

Postby silverfox » 09 Jul 2022, 21:26

Saturday 9th July

Up at around 7am to finish the blog and nipped up to the supermarket to fetch the water and juice that we forgot yesterday. A nice shower and out of the door.

Now we actually have a plan today which is unusual for us.

I left Liz to have a shower and I’m off again up by the windmills and down the road yet again. I’m a creature of habit but this is a good one and will never change. As I make may way down I see the tiny gun boats that patrol these waters too. You have to remember this is about as close to Turkey as you can get in Greece and although the normal people will probably get on fine the politics and claim to land will always be in the background. Don’t let any of this put you off as it’s always been the same in my lifetime.


I meander round to the clock tower and up the steps next to the Nireus Hotel and keep on heading up until I reach the rock where the Greek flag flies high above the harbour. The views from up here are fantastic but not many people venture up or more likely can’t find their way.


I do stand on the rock next to the flag pole to take some pictures but it is a scary place to be if you struggle with heights. To get down it’s very very steep steps behind where the bank used to be and be careful these steps make the Kali Strata look flat!


I sit on a bench and watch the yellow bus come down with it’s load….Liz and an old local and she makes her way round and we sit for a while. The King Saron has already dropped a load of the “brolly followers” and I think may have gone back for more so it start to get a little busier.

We are now ready for refreshment so make our way back round to “comfy seats/chairs” and bump into to the boys doing their shopping.

We order some orange juice and we are soon joined by Toby and Neil. It seems everyone we know are passing by with a cheery greeting as we watch a very busy harbour with boats coming and going every few minutes. We watch some who seem to have a near miss and a yacht which didn’t seem to know what to do. Minutes later some Symi friends from the past, Ann and Richard, gave us a great surprise as they were off the said yacht. It was great to see them for sure.


We finished our drinks and made our way to The Trawler as we had invited Toby and Neil to lunch. We had to have the Garlic Potatoes as a starter and Liz had a Chicken Fillet, Toby had a Chicken Slouvaki, Neil the spicy Pork which he asked for hot and got hot! I had the Pork with Coriander.

Chicken Fillet

Chicken Souvlaki

Pork Chilli

Pork with Coriander

We had plenty of white wine and Neil had plenty of water!

A nice meal and great value for what we paid.

Now Toby, Neil and Liz go to share a taxi but not before Liz buys all the cakes from the place across from the Trawler…..well she bought four….yes four!

I grab a water from the kiosk and the taxi passes me soon after. Now I have another one of those moments that always seem to happen on Greek Islands but nothing to do with the locals, well not the human ones this time.

I’ve just passed the road to the new port to head up the hill when something falls from the sky only inches away and thuds to the ground. Now this shocks me a little and I look to the ground and I’ve just been nearly hit by a six inch Red Snapper….I kid you not!


I look up and see a seagull above that had clearly caught a fish that was too big to carry anywhere to eat. I also think that even the seagulls want me off the island.

I take a picture but all the time thinking….well it looks fresh but very dead, shall I give it the kiss of life? Should I take it up to the village and maybe the locals would cook and eat the poor fish? As I step aside a van decides and runs over part of the fish so perhaps the moment has gone.

By now you should all know I do a lot of walking while on Symi and it is for moments like this that you can’t get on or bus or taxi.

The Rainbow soon fills up with all the usual suspects and Ann and Richard make it up too with their fellow boat people.

We have a great late afternoon with so much laughter and friendship. We say our goodbyes to Ann and Richard who are off to Kos in the morning but it was so nice to see them after a few years.

I could try to talk about the Rainbow on the blog for hours as we usually end up there in a time warp of relaxation or fun but it’s one of those things you can never quite describe to someone who has never been. You do have to experience it, get the feeling, talk to people and then you may get it. If not so be it.

We have cakes back at number 20 and a nightcap for me.


Now what will happen on this small magical little rock tomorrow?

Who knows but I’m so glad I will be here to find out.
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Re: A Special Return

Postby D and E » 10 Jul 2022, 08:10

The superb “work” continues - great pics & great words and great that The Rainbow is a regular feature - thank you our good friend.
So reassuring to see the Trawler serving up the delicious looking fare they always have.
The views you are putting up are making us itch for the 2023 easyJet flights to be published :D
Keep rocking that rock :D
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Re: A Special Return

Postby silverfox » 11 Jul 2022, 07:51

Sunday 10th July

Another one of those mornings after the night before if you know what I mean. I was supposed to be getting up really early but that never happened. After a quick bacon sandwich to use what we had left I’m soon off down the road to Pedi.

There are usually a few chickens around and I’m not disappointed to pass at least half a dozen of them.


I take a left at the junction on the bottom and make my way past the new marina with it’s keep out signs. I make my way past the last houses and pick up a dusty path between 2 wire fences and through a gate at the end. The path turns rocky as I make my way slowly up the hill as I keep stopping and taking in the breathtaking views of Pedi and the boats coming in and out of the bay in the stunningly blue water.



It’s a bit of a slog so if you want to try this walk make sure you wear at least trainers and also make sure you take plenty of water.

Within 45 minutes of leaving Taxiarchis Apartments I’m at the top looking down on Agia Marina with it’s little church on the island. Although I have no intention of staying there or even having a swin I still descend down the path. It looks fairly quiet with just a few families taking up the sun beds. I rest for a short while before making my way back up and see a line up of boats heading into Agia Marina and I don’t think any more would fit in.



Within the hour I’m all the way back at number 20 where Liz is reading on the terrace, I think this is book number 6 of the holiday. A quick hydration break and siesta and I’m off up to a very quiet Rainbow Bar. I think everyone is having a rest after yesterdays shenanigans.

When I’m doing this blog most times I just try to remember the day but at other times I take the odd note. So using the quiet time to scribble a few notes when Kim, the nameless nice lady who enquired if I was Silverfox the other day, comes to say hello. Ironically she’s talking about Pedi and getting to Agia Marina so I explain that the notes I’m taking will explain how to get onto the path there.

Liz finally makes it up for a Gin and Tonic after a snooze and extra chapter.

We had thought of Haritomeni for our meal but it’s so windy we change our minds as it’s up on the hill.

We make our way down the Kali Strata and sit for a while on one of the benches just over the bridge. It’s around 6.30pm and it’s a great time of day down in Gialos as all the day trippers have left so it’s nice and quiet.


We make our way to the new supermarket and as we pass Takis he greets us with a nice “have you got everthing in control” to which I reply “yes thankyou” knowing full well I never have a clue what I’m doing or going to do next.

We use a lot of ice back at the apartment so we are hoping to find ice cube bags to add to the trays we already have. There is a choice of 3. Liz also get a nougat supply round at the Traditional shop before we end up at the International Taverna.

We start with a very nice Bouyiourdi which has a slight kick to it which Liz thinks is the best we have had on this trip.


Liz goes for the Pork in Mustard sauce and I choose the Lamb Kleftico.

The portions are huge again and I certainly struggle to finish. Most of the meat on both meals was tender but some parts slightly overcooked but all very nice tasting. We are served complimentary fruit to end the meal off.

Pork in Mustard Sauce


We call at Taxas supermarket for a bottle of wine to cool in the fridge for tomorrow and have 5 minutes on a bench before getting the bus back up to Kampos as there are no Taxis in sight with people waiting.

A quick nightcap with thoughts already of running out of time to fit in all the meals we want to have and things we want to do.

So little time on this magical rock.
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Re: A Special Return

Postby silverfox » 12 Jul 2022, 06:56

I'm running out of time this morning so the blog will resume shortly.

Kind regards

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Re: A Special Return

Postby silverfox » 13 Jul 2022, 06:20

Monday 11th July

A few amendments or extra info before I start today. The sunbeds at Katsaras down in Pedi are now only charging €25.00 each person. Now I’m only being told this, I have not checked myself.

Also yesterday I forgot about the wedding car coming past us down in Gialos. When the car is taking the married couple to their destination it pips it’s horn and through the streets everyone cheers and all the boats in the harbour sound their horns. It’s just a nice thing the Greeks do.

Up and away at just after 9am and with water in hand I’m off up past the windmills and down the road to Gialos where there seems to be more boats in than usual. I don’t know if it’s because of the winds or it’s just that the season is picking up.

I make my way around past the boatyard and Nos beach and around the road to Nimborio. I always think I should take the steps down to the rocks by the water but never do.


I turn off to the left and up the zig zag path and get the incredible views all the way up.



A slow walk back across the path towards Gialos and I turn left at the graveyard and down the steps at the top of the village into the square.


Meeting up with Liz the plan was a lunch at the Dolphin but there was some drainage work going on just above causing a faint smell so we decide against that for now. Instead we are soon sat in the comfy seats and have a simple lunch of mixed omelette and a club sandwich. We have fizzy water as we are getting fed up of the soft drinks and beer.



We miss the 2pm bus so take a taxi back up to Ringos and nip back to number 20 for a quick shower. I grab a bag of nibbles and wine before heading up to the Rainbow for a beer in a deserted bar, Neil is on his own.

We are soon joined by a few of the regulars and as Neil finishes his shift we, along with Gwen & Pete head back to his and Tobys place for the evening.

The views from their roof terrace are stunning and if I lived there I would be sat up looking at the views all day long.


We have a fantastic, fun filled, evening with Salads, Chicken Tikka, Grilled Haloumi, stuffed Mushrooms and home made Ice Cream amongst the delights.

Neils Chicken Tikka

Home Made Ice Cream

Nights like this should last forever but we give our thanks and we finish the night with a nightcap in Ringos.

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