10 Cheeky Days

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Re: 10 Cheeky Days

Postby silverfox » 18 Oct 2019, 21:28

Thanks Thomasdk and of course you Gemma.

We and D&E actually enjoy sharing our time with you and comments like this just encourage us more.

This place gets in your heart for sure! :)

A moody Symi :)
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Re: 10 Cheeky Days

Postby D and E » 19 Oct 2019, 07:55

Thomasdk wrote:Can't you guys just settle down on Symi? I'd love to get daily updates like these, assisted by the lovely photos each day, 365 a year. :)
Especially those food photos, just by looking at them it's like being there and most of the time I can even tell which restaurant they're from.
Haven't been for 2 years and it'll be yet another year before I'm able to go, at the earliest. So, I'm still very appreciative of your "blogging" here. :)

Any chance of crowd funding hahaha :D
It’s posts like yours Thomasdk and others who share our love of Symi that makes the blogging worthwhile.
I know we love reading Symi Dream every day when we are at home so a big shout for James Collins.
And Silverfox has extended many a holiday for us.
Now to post yesterday’s shenanigans :D
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Re: 10 Cheeky Days

Postby silverfox » 20 Oct 2019, 12:27

Apologies for no updates the last day syndrome kicked in with no time to sit in the Apartment. We needed to get out and about taking it all in!

I'm sat at home after only getting home at 5am this morning and I will try and finish the blog this afternoon!

You still have the fantastic D&E to keep you amused.

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Re: 10 Cheeky Days

Postby silverfox » 20 Oct 2019, 15:49

Friday 18th October

Later Nights

I'm awake earlyish but miss a sunrise picture and go back to bed but soon the alarm cat is on the window cill asking for breakfast. We plan a very lazy last full day on Symi of doing absolutely nothing.

Alarm Cat

As I leave Taxiarchis Apartments I can see why I never spot any of the local snakes as these are in a few strategic corners.

Snake chaser

I take my walk up past the windmills and down the road picking a little litter as I go. The walking is my passion and with the views you get on Symi either on the coast or in the little lanes of Chorio really de-stress me and leave me all feeling all is content in the world. The beaches don’t do that for me anymore as they did when I was younger and loved sun worshipping.


The yellow bus with Liz on board passes me just as I reached Gialos and I came across Gabriel, who often sits on the “Greek table” In The Rainbow Bar who was busy fishing off the harbour. I was only there a minute or two before his first catch but I was far too slow to get a picture before it was safely in a carrier bag with a few others he’d already caught. I stay long enough for his next catch of the day which this time I video to make sure I capture the memory. I must think about a little fishing on the next trip but I probably throw them back or offer the fish to one of the locals!


I wished Gabriel a good day and found Liz already in Comfy Chairs with her Latte. Liz thought she had spotted our fellow bloggers D&E on the Taxi boat in front of us so I had a walk to my left and yes can confirm they made the boat to the beach.

Fellow Bloggers

As soon as they were on their way the sign below went up and it looks like that could be the last Taxi boat this season. The workers, apart from ones on the boat were straight across for a drink themselves, presumably so tired after a season of looking after us all who love this rock.

Season ending

Yiannis was still busy sanding all the hand rails on The Poseidon as he had finished his last trip yesterday with the Saga group.

Hard work.jpg
Hard work

Liz gets a little extra from the cash machine near the pharmacy and has a look around the shops for the odd little gift to take home. I wander round to Nos to look for any picture opportunities but after 7 visits It’s difficult to find anything that I haven’t captured before. The light at this time of year can be either good or very challenging to get that special picture.

Where are the following? Anyone know?



where 2.jpg
And again where?

I notice how quiet it really is with not many people around at all.

So quiet

We meet up near the bridge and a lunch of 2 small pizzas, Carbonara and a Fungi with a very cool beer at The Dolphin goes down a treat.


We paid our second visit to Comfy Chairs for another beer and Latte and watched the now sanded handrails being applied with a varnish on the Poseidon.

The odd bit of rain and the storm have never really stopped us and once again walking up the road in some very warm sunshine the beer at the top is always welcome. The Chorio time warp is soon in full swing with Gabriel reporting over 4kg of fish caught this morning! I did take notice of his technique and tackle. Cue a pun by someone! :)

We stay far too long, saying our goodbyes to Toby (James Collins, the well respected author and the daily blog http://www.symidream.com/ ) and plan (haha) a quick meal at Scena on the way back to number 18. The kitchen is closed, not sure if for the season, so we didn’t take chance on the limited snack menu so we left without ordering. Slightly grumpy we made our way back towards to the apartment for the meagre provisions we may have left but reaching Campos the bus is ready for off so we jump at the chance and end up down in the harbour.

We had planned our last lunch tomorrow at To Spitiko but we quickly thought it was a good choice tonight with the great views and the ever lovely Jordana as host.


I take the opportunity to take a few pictures of the harbour at night as when staying in Chorio it can sometimes turn into a “task” to venture down.

We keep it simple with Liz opting for a very nice Chicken Fillet with myself opting for some excellent Lamb Chops and a litre of the house white wine.


We said our farewells for this year with Jordana and once again there were no taxis so it was the bus for us.

I open the Metaxa bought to take home for a nightcap and will certainly need to give my liver a rest when home! I would blame D&E, Yiannis but namely I blame Neil! :D

Another superb day on this little rock.

The road at night

Places can just be pretty but it’s how they make you feel, Symi keeps drawing us back like many other people for their own reasons.

I don’t really have the words to explain the feelings I have while in this magical little place.
Last edited by silverfox on 20 Oct 2019, 17:38, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 10 Cheeky Days

Postby Gemma1 » 20 Oct 2019, 17:23

A great ending to another fantastic blog and I totally agree with you about the views and the great walking on Symi. To me trips to Greece are all about the villages, walking, great views and of course not forgetting the delicious Greek food and they are all in abundance on Symi :D I enjoy the odd beach day but other things are more important to me in Greece.

Thanks again for such a great blog and for bringing Symi closer to us all. Here's to next year and more Symi holidays :D
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Re: 10 Cheeky Days

Postby silverfox » 20 Oct 2019, 17:43

Gemma1 wrote:A great ending to another fantastic blog and I totally agree with you about the views and the great walking on Symi. To me trips to Greece are all about the villages, walking, great views and of course not forgetting the delicious Greek food and they are all in abundance on Symi :D I enjoy the odd beach day but other things are more important to me in Greece.

Thanks again for such a great blog and for bringing Symi closer to us all. Here's to next year and more Symi holidays :D

Thanks Gemma and I'm stiil working on Saturday to post.

We also have a few more days from D&E to spin their magic!

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Re: 10 Cheeky Days

Postby silverfox » 22 Oct 2019, 18:06

Saturday 19th October

The Long Trip Home

Booking the 10 day trip instead of a week or 14 days may mean that you will probably have a different way of getting back home, different ferry, overnight in Rhodes and for us a different routine to what we have been used to.

Most times we have been on the very early ferry so getting picked up at 3.45pm from Chorio is most unusual and we are not sure how the day will pan out.

Nice views everywhere

As the alarm cat calls we quickly pack all the clothes not worn including trousers, jumpers and cardigans never worn due to the superb weather we have had at the end of season trip. Liz pops up to reception to pay the small accommodation tax and to collect the passports and reports how tired they are after such a long busy season. These good people deserve their rest working 7 days a week looking after us all that visit. Liz asks when we need to be vacating the room but we can stay until we get picked up as no one else is booked into these apartments after us and a few end of season stragglers.

One last walk down the Kali Strata adds more to the memory bank and it’s still so hot I’m wet through by the time I reach Gialos.

Kali Strata last walk down

Another wander round to the boat yard with the smells of paints and resins before walking back to meet Liz at the Comfy Chairs where we were lucky enough to bump into D&E. What can I really say about these two? Their love for this Island is there for everyone to see and their lust for the food is beyond comprehension but more than anything they are nice people. We have been privileged to meet such royalty and really do hope to see them again some time soon. They leave for Pedi Beach and we go for last minute shopping and an early lunch.

A quiet harbour

Having a rest

Wandering round, as you do, we come across D&E who have only made the Yacht Bar where they are watching the egg chasing (rugby). We carry on shopping, have a simple lunch of Mushrooms a la crème and share two omelettes with ham and cheese at Meraklis. Just a warning for you all the portions are huge and we could not eat it all.

Mushrooms a la creme

We wander round for the early 1pm bus and find that D&E have only made another 15 yards and are sitting having yet another beer….they will not make Pedi until midnight! :) We said our final final goodbyes and I headed up the road and Liz the bus.

last walk.jpg
Last time up the road

They are coming to take us away

I once again can’t describe my feelings as I walk up the road taking all the views, absorbing the feelings it brings, breathing the air. It’s a place that I feel is my home my belonging….i’ll shut up now and head for a beer! :D

Only needs a lick of paint!

We called back at number 18 where we made final preparations for off and took a few left overs for Neil & Toby rather than throw away. Liz has also organised to leave her hair drier (one not needed for me) with them so expecting we are returning soon!

Our last couple of drinks in a quiet Rainbow before we said our goodbyes, and leave our life savings with Yianni and hugs with both him and Neil.

Once last view of Pedi

15 minutes early for the pick up and the minibus was there waiting and a trip to the Opera house for one guy on the same flight with us back to Manchester we were down at the clock tower quite early for the Panagia Skiadeni.

Nancy the Olympic rep has the tickets ready and we are soon sat on the back of the boat taking in the late afternoon sunshine. D&E send a message that they are ready to see us off from Niraues so we get a great send off from some very nice people and reading your blog...yes we could see you.

Leaving from the clock tower is still special and tugs at your heart but you always have to believe it’s good to leave because it’s so special to return.

As we leave

A nice calm trip across to Rhodes with a nice sun setting as we arrived and us 2 and the guy from the Opera House picked up in Symi were whisked to the deserted Annixis Apartment for a couple of hours. It’s their end of the season too with only a few people staying until early next week.

Rhodes as we arrive

As the mozzies and biting flies do their thing we are picked up at 9.50pm to take us to the airport. Through into departures with no major problems where seating is busy and gates to the UK are now more open spaced with more bar and food options.

The flight is on time but not much service on board and arrive into a very cool Manchester at 2.30am. The walk to passport control is mad with 10 minute walking signs and only a couple of the moving walkways to help. We get through passport control so quick but then wait an age for the bags but the meet and greet is very good and in our car very soon after.

We have a quick journey home with the new link road and up through Winnats pass, Castleton and Hathersage back to to Sheffield.

Home at 5am UK time…..now that was a long day so time for a quick sleep.

Time to book another holiday methinks! :)
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Re: 10 Cheeky Days

Postby rockbottom » 22 Oct 2019, 23:42

Have really enjoyed yours and D and Es blog! Feels like it extends our own holiday, thankyou!
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Re: 10 Cheeky Days

Postby D and E » 23 Oct 2019, 10:15

You have only left Sými for a short time.
Your love of the island is palpable through your excellent blog.
You will soon return.
Take care both.
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Re: 10 Cheeky Days

Postby silverfox » 23 Oct 2019, 16:30

D and E wrote:You have only left Sými for a short time.
Your love of the island is palpable through your excellent blog.
You will soon return.
Take care both.

Your love is also there for all to see...you only have to look at when you joined this forum and read your words.

The "take care" didn't last too long as last night Liz, ironically tripped over one of the holiday cases last night, and is in great pain with injuries to both knees, wrist and shoulder. I've had to take a day off work just in case she needs help to get to the toilet or needs a hospital visit. It looks like she should be ok but perhaps needs another holiday!

All those steps on Symi and then she trips over the suitcase....you can't make it up!

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Re: 10 Cheeky Days

Postby Gemma1 » 23 Oct 2019, 22:10

Another lovely Symi day ends with a delicious meal at To Spitiko :D
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