Rocky Chorio Show

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Rocky Chorio Show

Postby silverfox » 16 Jun 2019, 17:35

“Let’s do the timewarp again”

No apologies for starting the blog early as usual...been studying the map and catching up with any news, videos or anything Symi….it all makes me happy! :)

Well we are now ready for our sixth visit to “The Rock” as many people know Symi, and in our view a place worth going back to. Our sixth visit in five years after never returning to the same place abroad and as many people find, it feels like “going home” when you arrive.


We are staying at the Taxiarchis Apartments for the first time, Allan and Julie were so kind to show us around last September and it’s our choice, not because we have fell out with Sevasti Studios, but with Liz still having breathing problems we thought staying a little more central may help getting around easier. Also i’ve had recent back problems and only last week needed a walking stick to get around and not sure if i’ll do a silly walk this trip! We would still recommend Sevasti to anyone as a great place to stay with a wonderful family who are so generous and friendly.


Inspired by the recent D & E musings (so many thanks to the masters of Symi blogs for sharing their holiday with us) we had thought again of making an Itinaray but we can never stick to them but we do plan to try a few new things and eating places so watch this space….

23 b.jpg

We still have 2 days to work and have not fully packed...need new light bulbs fitted to the car and lots of other jobs to sort….we will be on that plane!

:D :D :D
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby Gemma1 » 17 Jun 2019, 05:09

Really looking forward to another Symi fix and hope you manage to get some walking done.

I'm sure you will love Taxiarchis, I'd be happy to stay there again :D
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby D and E » 17 Jun 2019, 07:46

We would echo Gemma’s comment.

Taxiarchis has a special place in our hearts as it was the first place we ever stayed on Symi.

The kindness of Frank & Eva epitomises the generosity of the Symi spirit and was a huge influence in our returning the following year and as they say, the rest is history.

We said yasou to Frank on his boat only last week.

You will be counting the hours rather than the days now :D
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby silverfox » 17 Jun 2019, 18:52

One more day to work before an early night with probably no sleep.

Just a couple of questions for the experienced:

Are we likely to need the aircon staying in one of the one bedroomed apartments as we've never had to bother staying in room 8 up at Sevastis, with a wonderful high ceiling?

What time does the supermarket close, is it Sotris? down the lane next to Giorgios....just want to make sure we have water on the first night. (They supply to your room up at Sevasti)

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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby Lisa B » 17 Jun 2019, 21:41

Phew! Silverfox saves the day, we can still have our Symi fix! Hooray :D
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby Allan » 17 Jun 2019, 21:51

Looking forward to reading your blog Silverfox. Not long now!

I think you'll probably need aircon particularly if Liz is having breathing difficulties. It's hot now on Symi and will only get hotter over the coming days.

Sotiris closes around 9 to 9.30 but the supermarket at Campos is closer so we tend to use it for buying water, there's no point lugging it all the way from Sotiris'. Don't worry about the first night. Frank buys water in bulk (he hates the tap water) so you will be able to scrounge some from him when you arrive if the supermarket is closed. Nothing is too much trouble for Frank, if you want something just ask. He's a genuinely nice guy.

Oh, and don't be embarrassed about doing a funny walk, You won't be the first person to do that this year. Ask the usual suspects at The Bar, they'll tell you all about it. ;)
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby silverfox » 18 Jun 2019, 07:06

Cheers Allan!

I'm sure we'll soon get used to the new base.

"Funny walk" sounds interesting, I will investigate!

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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby silverfox » 20 Jun 2019, 08:13

Wednesday 19th June

It's a Long Long Road

After Tuesday nights last minute jobs of haircut, tyre pressures, fuel top up, last minute packing and about 30 minutes sleep we set off from a rainy and quite cool Sheffield at 3am.

As usual, Martin, our eldest son took us across to Manchester Airport via a misty Snake Pass.

We arrived at around 4.10am to a very busy Terminal 2 with big queues for every lift taking people up to check-in. The Queue for TUI looked daunting but with many desks open we are soon rid of the big cases.

Security was no problem apart from me having to take my trainers off and I just had to be a little careful putting them back on as I did't want to tweak my back.

The discussion on the last day at work was around drinking at the airport, but we don't usually bother and after purchasing our WH Smith meal deal we set off on the hike to Gate A12. Now this is new to us and the walk has a 10 minute walk warning and even staff on electric buggies to get the elderly or infirm there. We must have looked too fit as we never got offered and reached the gate at 5.20am ready for boarding at 6.20am.

15 minutes late pushing back and we were in the air at approx 7.35 am. We were unlucky enough to have 2 people behind us who seemed drunk, stoned and talked such rubbish loudley with every second word either an expletive or the word "Man" Let's just say they are the sort of people we come to Symi to avoid and leave it at that! :)

Hello Jack

The crew were serving drinks as we flew over Paris and a little turbulance kicked in as I opened my Jack Daniels....the holiday has started! The views over the Alps were particularly stunning and we landed into Rhodes at 1.30pm Greek time.

Stunning Alps

Slight delay on the coach as we waited for another flight before our first Greek Salad and taste of the wonderful fried potatoes and of course a couple of cool mythos at Mouragio Taverna across from the port. After sorting the tickets at the booth we were soon off towards Symi on the Nissos Chios arriving into the new port at 7.40pm. Quick trip up to Tachiarchis and we soon had keys to room 24 where the cases were dispatched.

Arrival on Symi

After freshening up we were off up the paths to The Rainbow catching up with Neil, Toby, Yianni and Colette over a few beers before the few steps to Giorgios for a lttle food.

Green beans, potatoes and tomatoes, Cheesey Shrimp Pasties and Beef in Metaxa sauce and chips all washed down with a litre of white wine.

Green Beans

Shrimp Pasties

Beef in Metaxa Sauce

A slow wander back to room 24 and at 11.45pm it's straight to bed as we are totally zonked!

It's so good to be back!
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby D and E » 20 Jun 2019, 14:46

So good to read you had a pleasant trip over despite your rear seat passengers and that Jack was on board to make the journey all the more comfortable.
We could taste Giorgios food those pictures are so damned good.
Our extended holiday begins :D
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby silverfox » 20 Jun 2019, 20:33

Thursday 20th June

Incy Wincy Spider

Well even after last nights shannigans I'm up early, well 7.30am, trying to sort the blog out and as anyone who does these knows it's always more complicated than it seems. A new phone, different location etc...poor wireless connection so tethering to a new phone, pictures that need new settings because of the new phone blah blah blah!

So here I am, after too much booze on the first night, no coffee, no food, just water, trying to sort a post out....I do it for you lot! :)

So there I am trying to transfer pictures and resize them when I hear a cry from the bedroom....Liz has been looking at the spider design on the curtains as she awakes from slumber and then realizes it is a real spider and BIG!

Baby Spider

At least it means we can get unpacked and ready for the day ahead....I looked at our itinenarary (no I didn't D&E) and thought bugger that!

I chased said spider all round the bedroom, they can move, and gave up!

Finally posted the what?

After much discussion, well none really, we are soon in The Olive Tree for breakfast/early lunch at around 11am.

Very nice poached eggs on toast, with extra bacon, and entertainment from young Harry impersenating an old Greek man with poor English with Jenine proclaiming "that boy needs to be on stage"


Olive Tree Breakfast

Tina advised talking to Frank to get rid of said spider!

After a quick shopping trip we are soon back at number 24 and managed to catch the tarantula and relaese him into the garden. Frank had offered to come down and shoot the beast although from what everyone on the island is saying it's a baby one!

After a few hours chill out, we needed it, at our apartments we take a slow walk up to the Rainbow Bar where the timewarp kicks in meeting friends from the past and no doubt new friends!

empty seats.jpg
For you D&E

Down the Kali Strata we skip, well walk very carefully, and it never fails to make you wonder of years past and what stories could be told.

Kali Strata

Arriving at a quiet harbour we are soon in one of the main supermarkets for a few bits before arriving at an empty To Spitiko, where Jordana welcomes us with hugs and we meet the new baby...wonderful!


Sea Bream

Another great meal but Jordana telling us how quiet it is with all the Island worrying of a poor year! All Inclusive on places like Rhodes do not help the real Greeks!

A quick taxi back and now sitting on the balcony typing this up with a nice Metaxa....the twinkling lights of boats in Pedi bay and the stars doing their thing.

Paradise on Earth!
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby D and E » 20 Jun 2019, 20:49

Cheers for the chairs :D
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby silverfox » 20 Jun 2019, 21:02

And the square wobbly tables!

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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby Lisa B » 20 Jun 2019, 23:13

Lovely to read at bedtime, makes for Symi dreams.
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby Gemma1 » 21 Jun 2019, 06:34

Great report, I love the beef in metaxa at Georgio's :)

Glad you caught the spider!
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby silverfox » 22 Jun 2019, 05:30

Friday 21st June

Rock the Boat

Both of us waking up hungry I'm quick out of the blocks and off up into the village for some fresh bread at around 7.30am. Wandering round a Greek village early in a morning is great as you always get numerous greetings from the locals.

Arriving back at number 24 Liz had already got the eggs boiling and we have a nice breakfast before the energetic day in front of us!

Now I never mentioned yesterday, but we had a plan so we were at the bus stop by the kiosk for the 9.30am bus down into Yialos, picking up mostly locals on the way.

Part of the plan was a nice coffee in the soft seats but they are closed as one of the family had passed away in Rhodes so the news is they will be open again in a few days.

As poor swimmers who don’t really like boats we boarded the Poseidon and found a seat up top for the round the island trip. Everyone has been telling us for years that we need to do this trip so we’ve finally gone for it! We seem to have got a nice mix of French, Canadian, American and English as we set off with a nice cooling sea breeze.


First stop is Aghios Emilanos where we have a little look in the church and a few people have a swim in the very calm inviting water. Coffee, wine and even Ouzo are all now available and we don’t need asking twice! Off onto Panormitis and we arrive just as the Panagia is leaving so it’s quiet which is good. After 40 minutes or so we are heading for lunch!



Liz found base camp on Seskli, Skomiza Bay, and I have a walk up past the church to find what looks like a farm with hay fields and goats. Lunch was now calling so I'm soon back by the tables as the chicken was nearly ready.

Cooking nicely

How these guys prepare such a wonderful lunch from a boat is nothing short of a miracle! Salad, Chicken, Rice, Potato salad, Spaghetti, Beetroot, Green Beans, Tzatziki Giant Beans and bread and of course the selection of wine etc..


The food is worth the trip alone!


A couple of more stops for the swimmers, one in the awesome Aghios Georghios bay before heading back and a breezy entrance to Yialos.

We would recommend this trip even to people who don’t swim and we’ve really enjoyed the day out.

A quick walk round and we are on the 6pm bus back up to Chorio and Liz is so tired from the sea air we parted ways and I’m soon sat in the time warp that is The Rainbow for a beer….well two!

Too tired for going back out (we had said to Terri we would try to get to the Secret Garden tonight….perhaps next time!) we sit on the balcony with some Feta cheese and ham crackers and I have a Metaxa night cap.

Thoughts of writing up the blog?

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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby D and E » 22 Jun 2019, 09:18

So sorry to hear about the passing of the father of Cafe Aiglios (Comfy Chairs) who welcomed us in for so many years. We had been told by that he was unwell when we were visiting the Stella Bar which his other son runs.
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby silverfox » 22 Jun 2019, 11:12

They seemed very subdued this morning :(
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby silverfox » 23 Jun 2019, 06:31

Saturday 22nd June

Another day in Paradise

After perhaps a little too much to drink last night I’m up and around 5.15am to make a coffee and sit outside on the balcony looking down into Pedi Bay and the cockerels are giving it some this morning.

I sit watching the sunrise wondering what the day ahead will bring as we plan to walk down through the valley and lay by the sea.

We have no toaster in the apartment so fry a little bread in butter and 2 eggs go down nicely with a cup of tea.

The eggs are so nice on Symi

After showers we (Liz) change our minds and Liz quickly sets off up to the kiosk to catch the 9.30am bus down into Yialos. I’m still getting ready and checked she’d caught the bus before I’m heading down the Kali Strata.

I get a cheery Kalimera from Maria, the herb lady, readying her wares to fleece the “tourists” of the day on their way up!

Whilst on Symi you seem to get a knack of bumping into the same people wherever you go and I have a chat with a couple we first met on Rhodes at the Mouragio, we also saw then in To Spitiko on Thursday and we sat with them on The Poseidon yesterday. They give a glowing report on a meal at Tholos last night. I leave them heading up the Kali Strata and mention the watering hole at the top. :)

The “soft seats” are now open so I join Liz for a cafe latte and watch the taxi boats fill up for the first of the trips out to the beaches. We leave a subdued cafe just as the brolly followers appear in great number off the King Saron.

We have a slow meander round to the boat yard and stop for a very nice orange juice at Carnagio just by the waters edge. It’s a great little spot and we agree we must come back for a snack one day to watch the boats rocking gently and the little fish swimming in such clear water.


Our third stop of the day is back round at Elpidas where we are served the wonderful Mezes with our drinks. Olives, cucumber, tomatoes, potato salad and mini sausage pies really hit the spot as we people watch. The bright orange shuttle boats ferry people from the cruise ship, Europa 2, as Yialos gets some needed visitors for the day.

Mezes at Elpidas


We’ve been invited out later for food so we call for a bottle of wine before Liz getting the bus and I set off up the road for the first time this trip. I’m feeling a little ashamed by the lack of walking and I’ve even forgot to bring my Fitbit.

At the Rainbow I’m sat with a feeling of contentment having done a few of my favourite things, a couple of hours in Elpidas, a walk up the road and a cool beer at the top!

Symi you fill up my senses….

(My football family back home will see two meanings to that last comment)

Neil and Toby guide us up through the lanes and we finally reach the house Gwen and Pete have for their last few weeks on Symi this trip.

Symi Fox

It’s a great place with stunning views from the roof top.

Just wow

We enjoy jacket potatoes, cheese, beetroot, salad and wine with great company, a wonderful evening.

Glad we have torches on mobile phones as we carefully make our way back down the steps and finally to room 24 for a Metaxa night cap to watch the twinkling stars.

Symi nightmares anyone?

A simple but fantastic day in paradise.
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby silverfox » 24 Jun 2019, 07:20

Sunday 25th June

Lazing on a Sunny Afternoon

I’m up early with all good intentions of getting the blog sorted and off to the beach. Liz however has other intentions and stays in bed. Make myself some yogurt and honey from a new supply of honey out of a squeezy bottle as I'd smashed the first bottle dropping my bag at the apartment door!

Liz finally appears and it’s now 9.30am and I'm raring to go but she’s decided to have a morning reading in the sun.

I struggle to just sit doing nothing so off out for a walk down the Pedi valley. Starting on the road turning off to the right across from the church down the path with only chickens, goats and bees for company.

Pedi Chickens.jpg
Pedi Chickens

It’s a bit rocky in places, probably to do with all the rain over the winter but I'm soon down by the big football pitch which looks like it’s nearing completion after the terrible floods a couple of years back. As a big football fan myself (Sheffield United) it’s great to see that the island has it’s pitch back for the boys! Is there a girls team too?

That's better!

Pedi is so peaceful and the sea so calm as I slowly make my way along the shore with a few sunbeds already taken at both Katsaras and the now open Tolis Taverna, this is where we keep saying we are going to lay for a few hours, avrio perhaps?


I’m soon back up at number 24 where Liz is ready for the day, a lazy day. As we leave we check out Franks little chapel in the grounds of Taxiarchis. But don’t take any pictures inside out of respect.

frank one.jpg
Franks Chapel

Liz decided we shall stay up top and have some lunch and suggests Zoe's but It’s closed so we wander down to the square and Georgios is preparing for a party of some sort so finally we are in The Olive Tree for lunch.


Liz goes for an omelette while I choose ham and cheese Pitta Meze , we share a spinach pie and a jug of the wonderful home made lemonade. I choose to go on a further walk up the road to the top corner, by the old steps, and Liz stays for another drink and read. Heading back down the lanes a couple of friendly goats come to say hello, probably thinking I may feed them is more likely!

Well hello

Now I’ll not bang on about this, but while on Symi I’m doing a small litter pick each day. When I know I’m close to any bins I’m picking up discarded water bottles and putting them safely where they should be. I’m not doing too much but if everyone did the same it would make a difference. I also understand it may still end up in landfill but we have to start somewhere.

We are up in the Rainbow Bar much earlier than usual so I vow to try and drink slowly. We are served some nice mezes of tomatoes, cucumber, ham, cheese and the most salty olives known to man! Good job I have beer to take the salt taste away!

Rainbow Meze

We are entertained by the Greeks passing in all their finery for the Baptism party taking place next door.

Talk was soon about food and we were fancying Pizza but we have no energy as the temperatures are ramping up so we order a takeaway, from the Dolphin, to be delivered to the bar, sharing with Gwen and Pete. We did ask Yianni permission to do this by the way.

Dolphin delivery

Well that was a pleasant end to our long stint at the bar so we offer Yianni our life savings and make our way back for a nightcap.

view night.jpg
Night view

The threat of even higher temperatures threaten more very lazy days!

Last edited by silverfox on 24 Jun 2019, 09:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rocky Chorio Show

Postby D and E » 24 Jun 2019, 07:56

Just to say - loving the blog Silverfox.
A perfectly lazy Sunday under Symi’s blue skies as it pee’d down here on the coast of Mid Wales :D
Great photos as usual.
Keep up the good work.
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