Bloggers - a thank you

Bloggers - a thank you

Postby Allan » 03 Nov 2019, 17:15

It's the start of November so the Symi holiday season draws to a conclusion for another year.

Sadly, it also means an end to this year's blogs and I thought I should thank our intrepid bloggers for all their efforts. Holiday time on Symi is precious and I'm very grateful that our bloggers spent some of that precious time telling us about their time on island we all love so much.

The blogs are incredibly popular, a total of 11,684 views so far this year and I've copied them into the archive are for safe keeping. I know I will be re-reading the blogs over the coming cold dreary months and suspect many other people will too.

Thanks again to all of you.
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Re: Bloggers - a thank you

Postby silverfox » 11 Nov 2019, 20:46

As one of the bloggers can I also thank the forum for giving us the platform to share our musings and pictures.

We do it out of pleasure (or pain) to share the pleasures of this little rock.

I would like also to pay tribute to D&E, who we had the pleasure to meet this last trip, for their inspirational blogging that started me in the first place. It was weird sat in comfy seats reading their blog and then joining us for a coffee!

We also read the blogs back in the depths of winter...might start now as Sheffield is just recovering from the latest floods with a months rainfall in 24 hours!

Looking at the prices our fear is yet again we may be priced out of our holiday to Symi.

We will keep looking! :)

Have a good winter all.
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Re: Bloggers - a thank you

Postby D and E » 18 Nov 2019, 10:01

Thank you Allan - such kind words.

Putting gorgeous Symi into words and pictures is one of the joys of an early morning, sitting on a balcony watching the island wake up each day when we visit. Symi deserves such care, attention and can we say love.

Hopefully a Google Search may take people to this wonderful forum and by reading all the blogs and seeing some of the stunning photos (especially those taken by Silverfox) it persuades them to visit.

We are so grateful for this forum and especially the archive that you introduced as it allows us to look back with very fond memories to past visits and like others we re-read all the blogs whenever we need to take our minds off the dreary days of a UK winter.

Now what will next years blog title be :?:
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