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PostPosted: 15 Jan 2007, 23:19
by Colette
Oiy you two

coming over at beginning of March for Marcia's birthday so will be clambering up those steps to see you.

If you need anything from the best city in the world let me know, could arrange to meet mum and dad if necessary.Will need help on boy stuff but if Sadie's still into pink I thing a feather boa might be just the thing.

Still keep my possy on the beach for June

Love to all of you


PS Jules. do they do aubergines in March??


PostPosted: 16 Jan 2007, 20:05
by beany
march... we don,t open in march. If you come then dont forget your parker. how is the best city ? speak to you soon paul, julie says hi


PostPosted: 16 Jan 2007, 21:45
by Colette
Hiya Paul,

I know your not open but we can meet for a beer up in Chorio.

The city's as good as ever, if a bit on the cold and windy side at the moment, so no worries about winter clothes to bring.Still got the big wheel and lots of new trendy shops but the same old proper pubs are still going strong against the competition from the plastic palaces.I suppose you've been watching your team doing well and the blues are still battling on ,I am burdoned with having my 2 best mates on your side of the Mancunian divide (I work with some Oldham Athletic fans who are all getting a bit giddy, not something that happens to us blues a lot)

Anyroad mate, see you soon, love to Julie and kids
