Dekati Epeskepsi

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Dekati Epeskepsi

Postby Pollychops » 01 Sep 2019, 05:41

As I sit typing this post, I am looking at the sunrise over the far hills in Western Turkey and Pedi Bay is lit in a beautiful glow of hues of red and orange, the cockerels are doing their best to outdo each other with their Greek version of " cock a doodle do" Its so good to be back.
Thursday ended with collecting mum after work and bringing her home as she insisted in dog sitting for Kim and I. This is a first since we lost John on our trip last year.

This post will be a literal and not pictorial post as someone forgot the mobile and camera.

Day One. Out on the red eye from Gatwick our driver arrived @ 2am, we were collected in a brand new VW exec car lwb with new smelling leather seats, all very posh since we only ordered a cab. We arrived and were through check in, security and sitting having a light breakfast by 4am. Flight was called on time, doors closed then after a 30min delay waiting for a time slot we were on our way. We arrived with plenty of time to get our bags, taxi and off on the Sebaco with a choppy crossing and arrived to met by Eva at the harbour as Frank had taken some guests out on his boat. We were straight to our room (no 32), unpacked and out to source our provisions. Obviously closed till 5 so we chilled out on the orange seats with a beer. Provisions were then procured, back to base, showered, dressed then downstairs. Our normal pattern is to head to Tholos which is our favourite place to dine and book our three nights. We stopped at Elpidas who were getting ready for a 'gig' with all tables reserved. They invited us to sit as long as we would be gone by 9pm which was fine for us as it had been a long day and getting tired. We had a few drinks with a few meses of ham, cheese, roasted peppers and couscous. We decided to catch the 10 o'clock bus and were in bed and and lights out very quickly.

Day Two
Lazy start to the day with breakfast on the terrace at No 32 of yoghurt, mixed berry fruit and honey with some cheese, ham and tomato. The views from the terrace are straight ahead down to Pedi Bay and beyond which is simply beautiful. We decide to walk down through the trees, past the newly laid football pitch and over the footpath to St Nicks beach. The boys have been busy this winter with the enlarged dining terrace, floating pontoon and by the looks of it more shingle on the beachfront. We take up our normal position on the far side and get prepared for a day with me mainly in shade and Kim catching some rays. The water is lovely and warm when we swim and we stay here until 6pm. We walk back along the footpath and catch the bus up. Tonight is dining @ Tholos, we have a wander down the steps and through the rear end of the harbour looking in some of the shops before we eventually sit @ 8pm. We have a table sat back on the upper deck with a view towards the harbour and hillside. At this time of night the hillside is a light golden shade with the sun setting on the opposite side and to see this getting darker as the sun goes down, with the street lights switching on and the glow of the lights on the houses it transforms into a perfect peaceful setting. Sorry I digress, back to Tholos. Kim and I have been very good of late and just gone through a 10 week period off following the 800 a day plan. Great way to lose some weight as it's a Mediterranean diet and the results were very good. Kim shed 13kg and myself 17kg. So we won't be continuing this regime whilst here on the island, we have agreed to be selective in what we eat within reason and look forward to see what impact if any it has had on our weight. In saying that we had Feta saganaki with honey and herbs which came up with a light and crisp filo pastry case, melt in your mouth warmed feta cheese drizzled with warm honey topped with toasted sesame seeds and light herbs. Along with Fava which is my favourite, chickpeas with a savoury flavour topped with red onion, capers and olive oil. This was followed by Grilled Sea Bream with a side of lemon sauce and salad (no potatoes) for me with Grilled Chicken, roasted peppers and salad for Kim, all cooked to perfection and very delicious. We opted for the house Rose and ended with a complimentary ice cream and Almond Halva sauce topping. All in all another excellent evening with great food and beautiful setting. We wandered back along the harbour and missed the 10 o'clock bus....oops. We sat in Eva on the harbour front people watching and had a coffee catching up with the owner and then off on the 11 o'clock bus. Another good nights sleep and early rise to start this post. As I sign off the bells in the church behind are bashing out some tunes I am not familiar with and the sun is up and running at full pelt. It's a very pleasant morning and today we have been invited by Frank and Eva to go out on his boat to one of the beaches further afield so ' full steam ahead Captain'
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Re: Dekati Epeskepsi

Postby Lisa B » 01 Sep 2019, 06:32

Have a wonderful day, funny to think you're here as we read your lovely words. Our day was eat, sleep, repeat....x
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Re: Dekati Epeskepsi

Postby Lisa B » 01 Sep 2019, 06:37

Sorry eat, sleep, swim, repeat x
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Re: Dekati Epeskepsi

Postby Gemma1 » 01 Sep 2019, 08:29

What a fantastic start :D Shame you forgot the camera but I can remember the view from Taxiarchis very well and was with you in my head :) The food sounds wonderful - I do love fava. Congratulations on your weight loss, that's quite an achievement 8-)

Really looking forward to the next instalment :)
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Re: Dekati Epeskepsi

Postby D and E » 01 Sep 2019, 09:18

Thank you Pollychops for the pleasure of reading this over our Sunday breakfast - beautifully descriptive.
Ahhh - Tholos :D has always been in our Top 4.
We have very fond memories of staying with Frank & Eva and a great boat trip to St.Georges.
So now to Google “800 Diet” :shock:
Have fun 8-) and we look forward to your next post.
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Re: Dekati Epeskepsi

Postby silverfox » 01 Sep 2019, 17:29

What a wonderful start to a blog..the view from Franks...Elpidas...Tholos!

We would have loved the pictures but us regulars can see all too well.

I think me and Liz need to starve ourselves for a few weeks just thinking about Symi food!

Looking forward, if you get the time :), to your next post!

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Re: Dekati Epeskepsi

Postby Pollychops » 03 Sep 2019, 03:19

Day three.
Following the early rise, viewing the sunrise over Pedi Bay and starting the post we had breakfast of yoghurt, mixed berries and honey with some fresh brewed coffee. Today we are out with Frank, Eva and their nephew Costas and Leeta on their boat. As with all things Symi, there is no rush in getting things done. It appears to be at a slower pace than what we are used to back home. Eventually by mid morning we are in the car and off to the harbour with Captain Frank preparing the boat ready to be launched on our day out. Once on board we are told we will be sailing to St George's bay for some swimming, then onto a secret inlet for some Sea Urchin diving and then onto Marathounda Beeach for lunch. All sounding fantastic with some reservations on the Sea Urchin diving, having done this many years ago around the Summer Isles off the NW Scottish coast I was slightly nervous. So off we go and sail through the calm waters to St George's bay, this is a small inlet with a terrific cliff face of several hundred feet, around two thirds of the way up there is a painting of the Greek flag which begs the question '"did the artist climb up or absail down to complete the work?" The water is crystal clear in this bay and we spent some time swimming in the warm water. Then it was onto a secret bay to go diving, at this point as Frank described the secrecy we thought we would have been blindfolded so not to let on to anyone else however, he trusted our loyalty in keeping it to ourselves so sorry we can't give you the location. the inlet was very narrow and Frank's skill in reversing his boat to approx 30 feet from the edge was extremely skillful, we dropped anchor then Costas and myself tied both sides to the very sharp rocks to keep it stable. We then got back on board with Frank nowhere to be seen, we were standing on the platform at the stern when he appeared from below deck. He was in his diving trunks, flippers, snorkel and mask and strapped to his leg was his dagger. The symi version of Jaque Cousteau all prepared to go sea urchin diving. I was handed a large plastic sack and off we went. What I witnessed over the next 45 minutes will remain with me forever. For those of you who don't know Frank, he is lovely Symi gentleman of small stature and is in his 73rd year. That didn't appear to hold him back one iota. I struggled to keep up with him and to see him dive to the bottom of the rocks and collect the sea urchins was incredible. Not only the danger of the sharp jagged rocks, the waves and current were also pushing us towards them however, this did not detract Frank from filling up the plastic sack I was in charge of. Once this was full we then headed back however, when turning back we were at least 200m from the boat. Normally not a problem but with the large sack full of urchins and seawater it became rather heavy so my one armed breaststroke dragging the sack took longer than normal. Once back Eva and Kim got to work on the urchins whilst Frank then went off for some more!! Frank had told me he has been diving for years and to witness him still doing it was terrific. We then headed back to Marathounda, we dropped anchor and swam ashore for lunch in the taverna. After a couple of hours of swimming we were famished, we had a splendid lunch of crisply fried calamari, ever so tender slow cooked goat, one in lemon sauce and one in a rich tomato sauce, courgette balls, wild rice, lovely crisp potatoes and terrific juicy Greek salad. This was witnessed by the incredibly inquisitive goats all vying for a position looking over the fence towards our table. After lunch we ( the boys ) swam back to the boat, raised anchor and reversed back to the jetty to collect the girls. We then headed back to port, docked and Frank would not accept our offer of cleaning the decks, he insisted we disembarked and go and enjoy ourselves as we are on holiday. We have truly had a wonderful experience and day with Frank and his family one never to forget. We headed back to Taxiarchis and chilled out on our terrace deciding what to do in the evening. After the large lunch we decided to not have dinner so we showered, changed and took the steps down to Yalios, on route there was a wedding party going on near the olive tree so we people watched for a while then continued our journey downstairs, had a wander round the shops and stopped at Elphidas for a couple of drinks and mezes of ham, cheese and tomatoes , this then gave us an appetite so we visited Merakilis and had some small plates of tzadiki, feta stuffed peppers, light and fluffy courgette balls with some grilled pitta bread. This was just enough to end the fantastic day we have had. We then caught the 10 o'clock bus and straight to bed. Another glorious day in Symi.
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Re: Dekati Epeskepsi

Postby Pollychops » 03 Sep 2019, 03:43

Day four.
After our day out yesterday we decided it was a day for relaxing. Kim popped out for some bread from the bakery whilst I arranged breakfast. Now as explained earlier Kim and I had embarked on the 800 a day plan. This is quite simple it's 800 calories a day. Sounds tough but it wasn't so we decided to continue this today. For breakfast we had yoghurt and mixed berries with some ham and cheese, the part outside of the plan was some bread, well we are on holiday. We then made up for lunch a salad with some feta ( protein ) and a couple pieces of fruit. We headed off @ 8.30 with St Nicks in mind, wandered through the trees and over the footpath to the far side of the beach by 9.15. The rest of the day was reading, swimming, sleeping (in the shade) and left the beach when the sun went behind the hills with the whole beach in shade @ exactly 19.04. We walked back all the way to our apartment, unpacked, showered and cooked a lovely tomato, pepper, mushroom dish with baked eggs. We sat on the terrace and mopped it up with the left over bread from this morning. Another very simple however, satisfying day on Symi.
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Re: Dekati Epeskepsi

Postby Gemma1 » 03 Sep 2019, 08:23

More fantastic reports - though think I'd definitely have to pass on the sea urchin diving ;)

I'm wondering if the inquisitive goats at Marathounda would have been quite as interested if they knew you were eating one of their clan :shock: :D
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Re: Dekati Epeskepsi

Postby Lisa B » 03 Sep 2019, 15:26

Just been on the 'Maria Traditional Boat' trip. Fantastic day, really recommend it :D
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Re: Dekati Epeskepsi

Postby Pollychops » 04 Sep 2019, 07:20

This is really frustrating, I have just spent the last 30 mins typing up yesterday's post. I was being pestered by a fly around my ankles and in getting rid of the pesky fly deleted my post!! So will have to redo the post later tonight as Kim is now foot tapping as we are going to the Olive Tree for coffee and walking to Nimborio.
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Re: Dekati Epeskepsi

Postby D and E » 04 Sep 2019, 09:31

Pollychops wrote:This is really frustrating, I have just spent the last 30 mins typing up yesterday's post. I was being pestered by a fly around my ankles and in getting rid of the pesky fly deleted my post!! So will have to redo the post later tonight as Kim is now foot tapping as we are going to the Olive Tree for coffee and walking to Nimborio.

Oh how we know that feeling :evil:
D does his blog in a Pages doc on his iPad and then copies & pastes into the Forum and that saves a lot of f’s & b’s that used to come from the balcony of a morning :D
Ahhh the walk to Nimborio and the always excellent sardines and moussaka for lunch.
Looking forward to your reinstated post later.
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Re: Dekati Epeskepsi

Postby D and E » 04 Sep 2019, 09:32

Lisa B wrote:Just been on the 'Maria Traditional Boat' trip. Fantastic day, really recommend it :D

Good to hear - can you tell us more ?
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Re: Dekati Epeskepsi

Postby Joe Le Taxi » 04 Sep 2019, 12:07

I wish Friday would get a move on. Afternoon flight from Glasgow, Rhodes taxi, Plaza Hotel,nightcap. Ferry in the morning, and at last Symi. Olive Tree for breakfast. Unpack later. :D
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Re: Dekati Epeskepsi

Postby Lisa B » 04 Sep 2019, 18:45

D&E, It's €35, starts 10:30, goes either around the St George's side or St Emelianos side depending on the day. You get coffee/orange juice, cake and spinach pie breakfast. You can buy pop and beer. They stop at Maroni, then St Emelianos for lunch on the boat which was excellent!! We saw inside the church then a couple more bays we hadn't seen before and back for 5pm. About 25 people on the boat. Fab day x
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Re: Dekati Epeskepsi

Postby Pollychops » 04 Sep 2019, 19:37

Day Five.
Another early rise and witness the sunrise over Turkey. This is the norm for me as I get by with no more than 6 hours sleep, back home I would be walking the dogs through Epping Forest at 5.45 so sitting on the terrace with a coffee is a pleasant change although I do miss George and Agnes (dogs) when we are holiday. Today we decided on another day @ St Nicks so after a light breakfast of yoghurt and mixed berries we packed our bags and walk down the valley through the trees between all the small holdings. There is a wide array of livestock in the small holdings from hens, goats and there are also some small foals at present. We saw a couple of the locals there tending to their animals collecting eggs and feeding the goats. When walking through there is an area which we think is the dry riverbed which is quite tricky to move over as it's very uneven and you have to be careful you don't go over on your ankles. Once reaching the bottom we are at the far right hand side of the bay, Kim decides to go to the small shop to buy some more fruit and I decide to carry on walking to the beach. At this time of morning the footpath is in shade so can get a good pace going and reach the top of the stairs in no time. The beach is deserted apart from the taverna staff preparing for the day ahead. I get down to our regular seats and set things out before my going straight in for a swim, again at this time the far side of the beach is in shade so the water is very invigorating as I take my swim. We spend all day on the beach with me mainly under the parasol reading and painting postcards of the views in front of me. We then head back just before six and as we get to the bus stop it's only 6.15 so I decide to walk whilst Kim waits for the bus. After showering we head off down the steps as we are returning to Tholos, on route we venture into Symi tours to get our return ferry tickets. Last year we had to cut short our trip and didn't use our return tickets, Frank from Taxiarchis spoke with them at the time and they said they would hold them for another year so when we presented them with the note that Frank had written out and we did receive our tickets for no cost. Another example of Symi assistance when needed. Off we trotted to Tholos, we were sat bang in the middle of the upper deck which we prefer as it all goes on around this table. We started with giant beans in a spicy tomato sauce, haidani which is similar to tzaziki with carrot rather than cucumber and some bread. Kim opted for a very fine looking pork chop which was cooked to her liking and slightly pink, my choice was Symi goat with lemon potato. Who knows how long this dish is in the oven, it falls off the bone and is melt in the mouth and with the heavily flavoured waxy lemon potatoes its a fine combination, it was washed down with a carafe of Rose wine and finished off with a complimentary desert of ice cream. Wonderful food, views and service ended another day in Symi. We wandered back through the dark streets of Harani Bay watching the lady who is always out watering her garden and round to the main harbour were we stopped off at Eva for a nightcap and coffee. We caught the 11 o'clock and was tucked up in bed by 11.30. Tomorrow we walk to Nimborio.
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Re: Dekati Epeskepsi

Postby Gemma1 » 05 Sep 2019, 08:19

Another wonderful read with more delicious food :) Must confess that the only time I've seen the sunrise on Symi is when I've had to get up early to catch the early morning ferry back to Rhodes :oops:

Enjoy your day in Nimborio, I do love the walk there over the top :D
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Re: Dekati Epeskepsi

Postby silverfox » 05 Sep 2019, 17:38

After yet another hard day at work it's great to read your reports.

From the sunrise at Franks, which I can see if I shut my eyes, to the Lemon Potatoes at Tholos to your "threat" of one of my favourite walks you have lit up my evening.

Only 5 weeks and we will be there for our second trip this year!

Loving every report and hanging on your words :D
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Re: Dekati Epeskepsi

Postby Pollychops » 05 Sep 2019, 21:35

Day Six.
Another day with an early rise but missed the sun coming over the hills. We decide to go to Nimborio however, we stop at the Olive Tree for breakfast. Now this 800 a day eliminates bread and since the first week in June I have not had a slice of toast with marmalade which is always a weekend treat for us. Without any consideration whatsoever two rounds of brown toast with the OT's homemade marmalade were ordered by Kim......... I followed that path and as simple as it is the toast and marmalade was thoroughly enjoyed. Simple and humble tastes do work. Kim had a flat white and I some Earl Grey tea with lemon. We also shared one of the refreshing juices and enjoyed the catch up chat with the girls and the fantastic view. We then set off down the steps and we decided to have a lazy stroll around the back streets. We are also considering for next year to bring Kim's mum with us and as she suffers from bad knees staying upstairs at Taxiarchis would be too much for her. So decided to look into what is on offer downstairs with easy access, we looked at The Opera House and the relatively new lapetos then continued and looked in Nireus. All three have good access so this gives us some thinking to do over the winter. We then hit the road and slowly wander round the long route past Nos beach and beyond and reach the small kiosk at the little beach. We stop there and go for a swim to cool down and follow that with a frappe at the kiosk and a sit down in the shade. It's a very enjoyable outlook sitting there with a terrific outlook towards Nimos and the Turkish mainland. We then set off for lunch at Maria's in Nimborio, we get greeted with the normal welcome we have always had from Maria and it's so good to see the changes they have done over the years although the building works next door don't seem to have moved on any further than last year. We remember the days when we could put your sunbed anywhere along this stretch before the Taverna and my spot was always under the tree on the right hand side, unfortunately the builders removed the tree. All of the sun beds are now positioned on the beach area and they have doubled the depth of this with a step ladder to assist in getting out of the water. We sat down for lunch and opted for sardines, grilled squid, tzaziki and a Greek salad. All came up beautifully cooked and the Squid was the stand out dish, served whole and grilled to perfection with olive oil and lemon. I decided I had enough of the sun and stayed put at our table whilst Kim had another swim and a lie down. I sneaked a couple of beers whilst reading. We set off back along the road and reached the harbour by 17.00. We sat and people watched coming off the boats eating a very nice ice cream made from goats milk and then took the Kali back up to base. I don't know why but can only put it down to the energy we used during the day as we had more to eat than normal however, after showering we felt a little bit peckish so we walked up the hill to Zoe's. Another welcome greeting and catch up before sitting down to Lamb chops for Kim and Stifado for me. The chops, all four of them were done on the BBQ over coals and we could smell them being cooked, they came up nice and juicy and the stifado......what can I say apart from as expected, another long slow cook in the oven, in a very tasty sauce and meat that's melts in your mouth. Another triumph on the palate. A slow wander down the hill and tucked up in bed by eleven.
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Re: Dekati Epeskepsi

Postby Oor Willie » 06 Sep 2019, 02:55

Joe Le Taxi wrote:I wish Friday would get a move on. Afternoon flight from Glasgow, Rhodes taxi, Plaza Hotel,nightcap. Ferry in the morning,
and at last Symi. Olive Tree for breakfast. Unpack later. :D

See you at the airport Joe, we are also on the afternoon Jet2 flight and booked into the Plaza for the night, we are going on the 10am Sebeco on Saturday to give us time to enjoy the famous Plaza breakfast
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