SOS The Return

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Re: SOS The Return

Postby Gemma1 » 24 Jun 2016, 07:25

Great read and cheered me up this morning, though the sun is shining here too :)

Has the new rep started on Symi yet silverfox?

Looking forward to reading your next instalment :D
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Re: SOS The Return

Postby JuliaB » 24 Jun 2016, 11:06

Lovely to have our appetites whetted again. We'll be boosting visitor numbers in September - 14th to 28th, first time in a while for a visit later in the year.
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Re: SOS The Return

Postby silverfox » 24 Jun 2016, 20:33

It's too hot to blog! :D
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Re: SOS The Return

Postby silverfox » 25 Jun 2016, 18:24


Well just to say the walking is not going too well....don't mind the distances or the hills but the heat is killing!

We started with breakfast at the Olive Tree with poached eggs on toast and coffee before trying to find the path through the Pedi Valley which i'd already tried the other day. Once again it defeated us as it linked up with the one i'd already been on. (although a later chat with Neil seems to confirm it is the right path and so again I will explore another day! We headed back to the road and headed down that way but the heat really took it out of Liz and all she wanted was shade and fluids!

Our backs can't really take lying on sunbeds etc so we sat a little while by the jetty and re-hydrated with water and Fanta. Liz decided she was on the next bus back to the bottom and I decided to walk up the hill and down the Kali Strata. I must be fairly fit as I was sat at the bus station waiting for the bus.

Fitbit stats this week:

Thursday 8.5 miles

Friday 8.1 miles

Saturday 7.7 miles

I wanted to do much more but it is hot!

We had a wander before landing in Alpidas for small tapas and beer for me and water coke for Liz. The tapas was ok but we thought nothing special.

We had another wander before a coffee/beer stop in Algerita before Liz went for the bus and I did my walking up the road. We met as usual at the old windmills and ventured down to the "local" where the usual suspects were to be found. Some talk about happenings at home but this could not spoil the mood! It is quieter than last year for sure!

As we left last year the Sevasti were just starting their "lazy nights" menu of food and drinks so we had ordered a mixed meat plate, chips and tzatziki for 7pm and when we arrived back we had a table cloth on the patio table. Nickos gave us a 10 minute warning before the feast arrived....enough to feed 4 people at least!!! Pictures to follow! A mini salad too and a sweet delight to finish.

As we started our meal in one of the few houses above a local started to practice a Violin and Accordian and started to sing and very good it was too.

What perfect timing and such a surreal moment.

Plenty of leftovers for tomorrows lunch and Liz needed sleep I had a few Metaxas and watched the stars.

We love Greece! We love Symi!

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Re: SOS The Return

Postby Gemma1 » 26 Jun 2016, 09:20

I'm loving your reports and how lovely having a proper Greek dinner - that you didn't have to cook ;) - on your patio when you got back :D

I think I'd struggle doing much walking in those temperatures, well done for making it back to Yialos before the bus :!:

Have you met the new Symi rep yet?
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Re: SOS The Return

Postby silverfox » 26 Jun 2016, 20:36


I started the day with a wander up top...getting lost and finding a few new places i'd not seen. I took the camcorder today as I intend to make a short video of this years trip.

I headed for the old steps in incredible's so hot...and captured what I hope are good clips. I wandered down into the port, videoing where ever.

Last year I was trying to find a path high up behind Manos Fish Taverna and never quite found it so this was something I was determined to do...if anyone has been up the steps behind Manos right to the top they may understand why many can't find this path....these steps make the Kali seem easy!

After a while I was back down, stopping for water before heading up the road.....walked up every day so far.

Meanwhile Liz was still up top venturing down to the supermarket....with a stop at the Rainbow just for a coke (so she says) before getting supplies to add to our leftovers from our feast for our lunch today.

Liz had texted me but i'd not noticed so having walked the long walk and all the way back to the Savesti Liz was not there but still down in the having walked all the way up I walked back down again to walk back up with the supplies! Please note it's still chuffing hot!

We had lunch on our balcony with anything left thrown to the cats....fight fight!

After lunch we had a wander down to the Rainbow Bar for our usual afternoon get together with a few beers and cheerful positive chats with the usual. (talking crap....but we love it)

Although we don't agree on much, Liz had decided we would go straight from the beer fix to downtown so we headed down the Kali Strata to a very quiet Yialos.

It is really quiet and at this rate the Island could really much crap and scare mongering that could really affect this paradise!

After a wander around we decided to try Meraklis but were there quite early and only the lady who cooks was there....she can't speak english and seemed quite reluctant to take our order....we were thinking of leaving just as two close by owners of shops came to the rescue and took our order and by the time the lovely lady had started to serve us staff started to arrive. Greece at it's best!

The food so simple but so good....Cheese Balls, Mushrooms in cream and perhaps the best Mousaka i've ever had all washed down with a nice house white.

The cake on the house was a stunning cool custard, sponge and chocolate sauce thingy....mmmmm.

Couple of bottles of soft drinks....and some beer we headed for the bus.

Quite early for the bus we had our first taxi ride on looked like the worst on the island and the driver looked menacing....I asked him the price first 4.5 sounded ok.

As we got out...I did give him 5....he pipped as my phone had fell out of my pocket onto the seat.

So glad this guy was genuine and made sure I got my phone back. :)

Metaxa watching the stars!

Last edited by silverfox on 26 Jun 2016, 20:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SOS The Return

Postby silverfox » 26 Jun 2016, 20:45

Gemma1 wrote:I'm loving your reports and how lovely having a proper Greek dinner - that you didn't have to cook ;) - on your patio when you got back :D

I think I'd struggle doing much walking in those temperatures, well done for making it back to Yialos before the bus :!:

Have you met the new Symi rep yet?

We were met by the rep off the ferry who just told us to get on the bus which we already know....she seemed nice enough but we don't do the welcome meetings etc..

Can't recommend Sevasti Studios highly enough to be honest....lovely people!

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Re: SOS The Return

Postby Gemma1 » 27 Jun 2016, 07:27

silverfox wrote:Saturday...

Quite early for the bus we had our first taxi ride on looked like the worst on the island and the driver looked menacing....I asked him the price first 4.5 sounded ok.

As we got out...I did give him 5....he pipped as my phone had fell out of my pocket onto the seat.

So glad this guy was genuine and made sure I got my phone back. :)

Metaxa watching the stars!


We were paying 4 euros in September for a taxi from Yialos to Horio so 4.5 sounds very fair to me as you're higher up. Glad you got your phone back, the thought of losing mine brings me out in a cold sweat ;)
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Re: SOS The Return

Postby silverfox » 28 Jun 2016, 20:54

Oh no it's Wednesday tomorrow and i'm not up to date!

I will do my best....

Avrio :)
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Re: SOS The Return

Postby silverfox » 29 Jun 2016, 20:15


The long walk didn't happen again ..... Too hot or was it that last Metaxa after the usual beers in the Rainbow.

Morning walk round the lanes of Chorio before heading down the old steps and up the steep hill behind the square to Nimborio, when I got to the road I headed back along the coast road back to the harbour to meet Liz who got the bus down after going via Pedi.

Lunch at To Spitiko ...Tsaziki, Courgette Fritters and grilled prawns with beer, very nice indeed with the usual welcome by Jordana. The Tsaziki seems to have gone up a notch taste wise everywhere we have been....competition or is it the yoghurt that is just better this year?

Walked back up Kali Strata and was on first cold beer when liz arrived at the local, she opted for the bus. a very nice few hours in good company before opting for an evening back at base prepared by liz ...mushroom rice with egg, ham and feta cheese added with nice crusty bread. Sat and watched a delivery of plants in huge pots to neighbours further up the hill, they had to carry them up on their shoulders up hills and steps. They did give the guys a drink though! lovely cool breeze tonight.

Question is will i do the walk tomorrow morning?

Always avrio!
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Re: SOS The Return

Postby silverfox » 29 Jun 2016, 20:41

Monday ...

The Walk didn't happen again, another late start after the usual day of too much food and drink.

We both walked down to the harbour by the long road, it is a great way to get down and up and i've walked up most days but Liz has been catching the bus back due to her bad back and arthritis. It is amazing though staying up here how many people with walking difficulties we have seen. It's great to see and I don't blame them as it's so nice up here. Down in the bottom we had a good wander round all the back lanes and eventually stopped for Frappe and apple pie by the one on the corner as you reach the bridge.

The custom house after the fire is almost finished by the way with much painting and goods being delivered, they are even clearing the front as we sit here.

Todays lunch was at Odyssia.....Feta cheese in filo with honey and sesame followed by goat in lemon and herbs with fried potatoes. Very nice and very filling and the owners daughter who serves is so nice. A walk back round the harbour for Liz to get the bus, i walked up the long road as usual, I really love walking in the heat even. Met the usual suspects for drinks in the Rainbow and a pleasant few hours, seems a bit busier up top today.

Off to the supermarket just up the lane from Zoe's for supplies for a simple snack of crackers, ham and tomatoes on the balcony watching the sunset.

It is cooling down so will I do the walk tomorrow? mmmmm Metaxa!

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Re: SOS The Return

Postby Gemma1 » 30 Jun 2016, 06:55

More great updates - now will he or won't he make the long walk .... ;-)
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Re: SOS The Return

Postby silverfox » 01 Jul 2016, 07:34


As the weather had been slightly cooler in the last couple of days...

Finally managed to get up early and packed my bag with all my photography stuff and 2 big bottles of water, one frozen. I'd also brought with me a good pair of running shoes to cope with any long walk.

So just after 6am I set off to Panormitis up the long winding road. Great views down to Pedi as I left Chorio and the views get even better as yo climb the hill. I'd asked Neil, of Symidream fame, if there was anything to look out for worth capturing along the way and he'd said not really. He was right and if I did the walk again I would not carry as much stuff as i took today.

Only thing of real interest, apart from the odd church and sea views, was a baby lizard about 1 inch long weaving across the road. I even thought it was a snake at first as my eyes could not make out it's tiny legs. I could have taken a couple of "shortcuts" along the 2 old donkey tracks but as I had a slight leg strain (yes I know setting off for a long walk with any injury in the heat we have had is probably a silly thing to do but that's me) I kept to the winding road.

As you turn the top corner you do get a great view of Panormitis and the coastline and you do think it will not be long before you are there but it does take around 2 hours before you get to the gates.

It was so peaceful when i arrived as there was only a few people around, some staying in the little rooms they rent out and a few locals. A few little fishing boats were tied up in the small harbour. I had a good look round and went in the little church, respecting the signs asking you not to take any pictures. I'm glad a did look round early as I rested on the bench outside it wasn't long before the Nicholas boat arrived and all the "tourists" arrived.

The bus arrived and I asked the driver what time he was leaving and just after the Nicholas had scooped up all the people and peace had returned it was time to head back. You don't need a great deal of time to look around. The bus took around 35 minutes to get back which isn't bad as it had taken me around 3 hours and 45 minutes to walk there. Cost for the trip back was 3 Euro which was an amazing price I thought.

I met Liz off the yellow bus as she arrived into Yialos from Pedi where she had spent the morning in the Taverna having breakfast and reading as she was not up to the 11 miles i'd just completed.

We wandered around and thought we'd try the Dolphin for a Pizza with Liz opting for a Carbonara Pizza and I had one with mushroom peppers and ham. We did share and they were very nice all washed down with beer. I did resist beer at Panormitis as I took on plenty of water to re-hydrate. It has been so warm on Symi and you do have to bully yourself to take on water and not just opt for cool beers.

Liz opted again for the bus and I walked up the road and met at the windmills before down to the Rainbow for our afternoon meet up to talk some more rubbish. I did get a few congratulations on achieving the long walk. The cool beers went down so well. Neil was a little worse for wear as he'd been across to Rhodes to meet his brother off the plane and had a good time.

We opted for an early night with some crackers, ham and tomatoes on the balcony, alongside a few buns that had been left as a gift by Savesti, with a few Metaxas as the stars came out.

A tiring but wonderful day.
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Re: SOS The Return

Postby D and E » 01 Jul 2016, 09:40

Now that is one impressive hike - well done you.
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Re: SOS The Return

Postby Val » 01 Jul 2016, 10:04

Wow! Great achievement Silverfox. Bet you slept well after such a strenuous day. Panormitis is a lovely spot and seems extra special if it's that peaceful time before or after everyone arrives. Trust you'll be having a laid back day today and thanks for all the updates for us Symi lovers back home. Enjoy the rest of your stay.
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Re: SOS The Return

Postby silverfox » 01 Jul 2016, 19:38


Plans, plans and plans!

Well the plan today was to go to St Nicholas beach via Pedi. Apparently the path is much improved from last year but we did not get that far.

Another plan was to get up early to fetch bread, another thing that never happened as i'd fallen back asleep. The sea air does do this to you, it's not the beer, Metaxa or Ouzo....honest!

As the plan had changed we set off to walk up through the village and down the old steps at the far side. As we were walking through the square a local came off his motorbike on the shiny surface. A few local women thought the worst but he got up and dusted himself down with hopefully just a little dented pride.

We never reached the old steps as once again plans changed and we winded down lanes we'd not used before. On the way down we came across some little chicks with their mother, you do really get a surprise round every corner up in Chorio. Pictures to follow if I get the time. ;)

We met up with the Kali Strata a way down near the big 2 houses that are ruins....right hands up who would love one of those re-built?

We wandered round as you do taking in the sights and a big cruise ship was by the tower sticking out to sea it was that long. We walked round by the boat yard and headed up to the church high above Nos beach. Liz found the drag up to the top hard work so rested for a while under the trees at the top while I was taking pictures of the view.

After the decent we walked round to Nos Beach and thought of having a drink but it was quite busy and noisy for us so left quite quickly and settled at Tholos for lunch.

Tholos was one of our favourites last year and they did not disappoint.

A great spread of garlick bread, lemon potatoes, peppers stuffed with feta and a superb spicy meatballs dish with yogurt washed down with a bottle of Mythos and water.

It has been very very hot so the water is so important at this time.

We went back round into the port, which was so busy with all the boats having to swap berths and parking out in the bay as there are not enough spaces for them all. I do realise parking is the wrong term but i'm a land man myself. We had an ice lolly and drinks before Liz caught the bus back up top and I walked up the road meeting in the usual place before the Rainbow for our usual afternoon drink.

As Neils brother James is here, and a football nut to boot, the talking rubbish was divided into 2 groups with myself, James and later Chris...and Liz stuck in the middle, the talk was of Plymouth, Southampton and Sheffield United. We did venture into other subjects at times but James does love his football so it always went back. Not sure what the others were talking about but Chris paid the price as his wife needed cash to buy some goods from the clothes shop opposite.

We drank far too much and stayed far to late but a quick change back at the apartments before back down the Kali Strata to try Mythos Taverna for the first time. No menu was offered and the young waitress showed us a board with the menu but I asked about the chicken curry i'd noticed on the board outside when on my walks. She checked with Stavros the chef and all was ok so I ordered the curry and Liz went for Chicken with Gorgonzola. We were both very impressed with the meals, Liz really liked the potatoes in a creamy sauce, my curry came with perfectly cooked rice. All washed down with a Litre of house white which was very nice too.

A taxi back to the apartments and we then sat out with Metaxa watching the stars....

What a day!

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Re: SOS The Return

Postby silverfox » 01 Jul 2016, 20:33


Well that caught up with us....too much drink and saying up too late so the plans to go to St Nicks again cancelled as we got up very late with me having quite a sore head. Now I never really get hangovers so it must have been all the food! :)

A late walk down the Kali Strata where we avoided buying herbs, as you do, to an early lunch at Olivia of a burger for me and club sandwich for Liz and beers to take the headache away.....we did have water too. Probably the wort meal we've had but we needed something and regretted not going back for the small pizzas at the Dolphin.

As we sat having our meal I had a message from Neil and Toby asking if we'd like to go to their house for a drink and see the view from there we went to the supermarket for a bottle of red wine and to the bakery to get bread ready for our late night meal on the balcony.

Liz found her white chocolate covered Oreo biscuits that she can never find back home so she was well please

Liz caught the bus back up the hill which will drop you just along from the Sevasti if you ask and I walked back as usual.

After a quick shower and change we were back at the Rainbow were Yianni knows what we drink and serves us as we sit down. The little tomatoes he serves on some days with the carrot and other delights are so sweet.....nearly as good as mine I grow back home!

After our afternoon refreshment we were given a tour of the great house where Toby and Neil live with Jack the alarm cat. What a great place!

We had a great time with them and Neils brother James and probably overstayed our welcome in great company and nice red wine too!

Jack stole the show though!

We said our goodbyes, although James was still trying to convince us to stay out and go to Georgios for his final night on Symi this year. James is a great character for sure.

As we arrived at the apartments another specials board had appeared for food on Friday so that was ordered off Nickos for our evening meal tomorrow.

Liz cooked bacon, eggs and tomatoes and fried the superb brown bread we bought earlier and fine it was too.

Another hour on the balcony with the stars ended yet another great day on Symi.

Ps....I do feel a little ashamed as the wonderful Lance book left for us to peruse by Allan has not really been used as the temperatures are such that we can only just manage the walk between drink stops! :D
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Re: SOS The Return

Postby silverfox » 01 Jul 2016, 21:26


So another late start as the previous day catches up with us. It is so hot it is draining on your energy and my eyes are so sore and dry. We did have plans to get up early but Liz sleeps so well here it's not nice waking her too early. The night has been hot but due to the high ceiling and our big fan, included, we've managed without air con. The mozzies have had me though with a few nasty bites on my legs.

We eventually dragged ourselves out into the blazing sun with a trip down to Pedi and up the improved path over to St Nicks planned! We naively thought with the extra information we had received about the path through the valley we could now find our way through easily....well I's a man thing!

As we left the Sevasti a small goat greeted us as we walked down the steps....Chorio summed up?

We did well to begin with finding the gate that had blocked my path before and we followed what we thought was the main path but it just followed the ridge with no sign of dropping into the valley. As stupid tourists (man thing) we, or I, thought we could be down in Pedi within a short space of time so we never took water!

Oh dear!

We reached the last of the ruins and thought they may be a path beyond but it was not to be with the thistle like plants in abundance and just rocks instead of a path....It was time to retrace our steps and try to find the way down but it was now getting quite hot! (Old fools up in the hills)

I left Liz sat in the shade while I went scouting with my shirt now over my head! Eventually I found the easy path down and went to collect Liz from her shade....tending her bloodied legs from the thistles. Should have took a picture!

We wandered down the easy path into Pedi passing by the football ground....wonder if James has this on his list? :)

Reaching the jetty where the boats set off from we managed to re-hydrate, a paddle in the sea to wash the blood off, and have a snack before catching the bus back up to the St Nicks today!

We were up top earlier than usual so called at the Olive Tree for a jug of lemonade and yogurt with fruit and honey.....very nice!

Rainbow Bar....nuff said!

Supermarket visit...we are using the one just up from Zoes...for some wine before sitting on the balcony taking on the late weaker sunshine....the one you can actually sit out in without frying! Some are saying they may start to come in September in future as the heat as been too much!

Our meal was brought to our balcony....Greek salad, Tzatziki and Symi goat cooked with rosemary and lemon. with potatoes and rice. Oh forgot to mention the pitta bread too!!

If i'm honest this was one of the best meals we have had in Greece with such well cooked goat and subtle lemon flavourings in the potatoes and rice. The amount of food once again could have fed four people. Nickos offered more potatoes if we wanted, and sweets and a schnapps for afters....we just took him up on a small drink.

This food was better than the restaurants for sure....real home made Greek food.

Does this mean we are coming back again next year?

Pass the Metaxa and watch this space!

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Re: SOS The Return

Postby silverfox » 02 Jul 2016, 07:26

A few pictures

To Spitiko with the lovely Jordana... ... lade&hl=en

Our view last night... ... lade&hl=en

Our meal last night on our of the best meals i've had in Greece.... ... lade&hl=en

Harbour view... ... lade&hl=en

Pedi view.... ... lade&hl=en
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