Silverfox on Symi

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Re: Silverfox on Symi

Postby silverfox » 25 Jun 2015, 05:47

Wednesday - Sunrise in Sheffield


Sunset welcome over Symi


Thursday - Good morning Symi - the view from our window at Sevasti

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Re: Silverfox on Symi

Postby SueO » 25 Jun 2015, 05:57

Hi Silverfox - thanks for your first "live" post and gorgeous photos. Really looking forward to hearing about your time on Symi. It's not often we hear from first time visitors and it's all too easy for us regulars to get a bit blasé.

Have a wonderful time.

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Re: Silverfox on Symi

Postby silverfox » 25 Jun 2015, 16:52

Thursday - I was awake by 7am but Liz needed a lie in as the journey yesterday took it out of her….she is old bless her!

We unpacked and set off by 9ish….looking for Nicholas to pay for the water he’d left by our door last night….still not paid him. The owners up here are great Sevasti chated to us last night at the Taverna as she works there and we got a morning greeting from her husband...Manilos?

After a quick cup of tea this morning we headed off to explore and only managed to get to the Olive Tree where we decided to call in for breakfast as this sea air makes you hungry….well that’s our excuse!

We both had Poached eggs on toast and I had a coffee and Liz went for Earl Grey tea with lemon….no she’s not posh by the way! Very warm welcome from the ladies with a cost of 11.70 Euros.

Had a wander through Chorio to get some bearings before heading down to Gialos via the Kali Strata. Great opportunity to take lots of photos of anything and everything!

Reaching the bottom we walked all around to Nos Beach past all the recent migrants who were sat chilled patiently waiting their fate...causing no one any problems it has to be said

Got a few good photos of boats and wildlife….first Lizard with a short tail….cut off by something by the looks and a great pic of a butterfly. I may try to add these later.

Slow wander back in the heat, although it’s windy at the moment which is apparently keeping the temperatures lower….eh?

As we wandered past the Panagia Skiadeni had just arrived and as we got further round the Symi came in. We called in for a quick coffee at a place I can’t remember the name off as all the hordes of daytrippers came off the Symi. Never realised how many people would come past us in the next 15 mins! I know the Symi people need the trade but it did open our eyes!

We then took ourselves a few yards back to To Spitiko for a bit of food. A warm welcome by Jordana? and we quickly ordered some beers and a Greek Salad and mixed appertiiser for two which was a mixture of dips which we needed extra bread and of course beer to get through! :)

A total of 31 Euros and we had 2 large one small beer, coke and water….not to mention all that bread!

A slow….very slow...walk back up the Kali Strata with Liz taking a few rests as I got the camera out again until we reached the Rainbow where a beer was in order with a small offering of olives, cucumber, chillies and carrots….very nice!

A quick trip to the supermarket for a few supplies of more wine...Ouzo, butter and a few snacks before heading off further up the hill to Savesti….it is out of the way but so peaceful. Just how we like it.

We are upstairs in room 8 and it looks like we have the sun on the balcony from mid afternoon so we can have some lazy days if we want…..and this afternoon a few red wines and a sit in the sun was in order. Quick snooze before getting ready for another adventure...update in the morning!
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Re: Silverfox on Symi

Postby Jan » 25 Jun 2015, 18:11

Great to hear that you're already slipping into the 'Symi pattern of life'.

Unfortunately all those Rhodents (day visitors) spend very little money on Symi - many will be on all-inclusive holidays in Rhodes and come with their packed lunches provided by their hotels. Thare are exceptions, of course, and every Euro helps the local businesses, but a secure income stream it isn't. So continue doing your bit patronising the local bars, cafes and tavernas - you've obviously made an excellent start.

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Re: Silverfox on Symi

Postby Gemma1 » 26 Jun 2015, 07:39

Great blog. I look forward to hearing more about your holiday on Symi :)
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Re: Silverfox on Symi

Postby silverfox » 26 Jun 2015, 20:11

Thursday night.....we decided to stay up last night so we had a meal at Zoe's....this was after being chased down through the paths by a goat...think it was because i'd taken his picture! Liz got slightly concerned at one point but I found it quite funny. He decided to turn back after a while after shouting at us for a while!

Zoe's has a great view but as the winds have been up the plastic sheets were up at the sides but not at the front so did not spoil the view down to Pedi.

Liz had a dish with beef and pasta dish beginning with G which we never remembered the name of....i'm not right good at blogging as I never take notes! I had the lamb chops which were very tasty but a little on the tough side....washed down with more white wine! 39 Euro! The most expensive up to now!

After our grub it was off to the Rainbow for a beer before finally finding our way back up past the need a torch or phone with the app, back up to the Savesti.

A nightcap of Ouzo finished the evening!

An even later awaking this morning but with no breakfast we headed off to Pedi down the road.....interesting wildlife today with a small dead snake on the road and I think a Kestral up on the rocks above the road. We had a walk along the left hand and back along the right hand side as far as the gate then back to the Taverna in the middle. We stopped for a coffee which was great but the English people there spoilt the moment. Waiting for a chartered boat the 8 people decided to crowd around our table talking loudly....they may be rich and posh....but my so ignorant! I bit my lip instead of causing a fuss! ps....i'm a big bloke but laid back!

We probably left Pedi a little earlier because of this but must say it's a great little place and so peaceful despite the rude English!

A slow walk back up the hill and we cut through to where the Windmill is and we so pleased we'd got back so quick....once again down the Kali Strata we went...cutting off before the bottom to our right and ended up down where the Symi boat comes in just at the "tourists" (I know we all are!) got off the boat! We nearly turned around and went back but by this time we were hungry!

After wandering round we eventually went to the old place on the name....and didn't look at the menu to get a name....i'm crap at blogging! ( ps...we were so tempted to go back to To Spitiko but we thought we should try somewhere else....but i'm sure there will be a few more meals there!) Anyway a few Mythos and a mixed Gyros plate was consumed which filled us up! 26.50 Euro....2 beers 2 cokes!

We planned an early night....we need a rest with all we bought some toms, onion, peppers, cheese and bread....oooo don't forget the Metaxa...for later and set back off up those steps! Well talk about took us a while and we nearly give in to Maria? and that would have cost us!

A beer and water for Liz...belly problems! at the Rainbow and then up the hill once again. Liz decided to have a chilled afternoon so I set off with my camera and more exploring. Up the hill even further and then down to find the Hanoromiti? which I finally found before heading back up the hill once again.

Rainbow...again...can you see a pattern.... was quiet and a few beers was needed with James and Jo...nice to meet you!

Finally went back "home" to Liz and had a good hour sat on the balcony with cheese, tomatoes and wine with a Metaxa to finish a great day!

Tomorrow is another day! :)

Steve and Liz
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Re: Silverfox on Symi

Postby Allan » 26 Jun 2015, 22:48

Thanks for your blog Steve, it certainly sounds as if you're getting to know the place quickly, particularly the Rainbow bar ;)
Please give my regards to Jo and to James and/or Neil when you're next there.
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Re: Silverfox on Symi

Postby Eliza » 26 Jun 2015, 22:55

You are good at blogging.I do like people who say it as it is,much more interesting.If the gate was on the right,go through and walk along the footpath.It takes you gently up the mountain ( not too high ) scramble down the rocks.You go down first to be on hand for the wife its a lovely little beach with trees and a taverna and the taxi boat will take you back.Or walk back the same way.I look forward to more tomorrow.
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Re: Silverfox on Symi

Postby JeanW » 26 Jun 2015, 23:05

Loving your blog, brings back so many happy memories from my May trip to Symi. The discovery the last trip for myself and friends was To Spitiko - we had so many memorable meals there. Spaghetti with seafood was to die for, can certainly recommend. Keep enjoying your holiday.
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Re: Silverfox on Symi

Postby silverfox » 27 Jun 2015, 07:56

Thanks for the kind messages...a couple of pictures from yesterday. PS we've had a lie in too and there is some cloud about this morning.


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Re: Silverfox on Symi

Postby D and E » 27 Jun 2015, 09:00

I have just caught up with your posts.
You are doing a first class job with this Blog, Steve and we are loving the photos you are putting up.
I am following your steps in my mind and tasting those meals you are having :D
Looking forward to the next instalment.
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Re: Silverfox on Symi

Postby Andy W » 27 Jun 2015, 19:12

The beef and pasta dish might have been Giouvetsi - also spelt with a Y instead of the G as that's closer to the way its pronounced.
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Re: Silverfox on Symi

Postby silverfox » 27 Jun 2015, 20:05

That's the one Andy....Liz Enjoyed!

Well already Saturday and a lie in that was not planned....funny how we can't sleep at home but after sea air, sunshine, beer, wine and nice food you can easily sleep longer than intended.

Woke up to clouds??? Never ordered this! But as we left the apartments for the day it was warming up with hazy sunshine soon to be full heat!

Sevasti gave us a great greeting this morning with some fresh eggs as we asked for more water which would all be left in our room later. They are a wonderful and friendly family and would recommend this place to do need to like walking and hills though! We are from Sheffield though so we understand hills!

Right as we had no plans we went off upwards towards the castle through the lanes getting lost all the time! Love the idea of being lost!

Back down we went to get a breakfast at the Olive Tree...Breakfast Meze for 2 with ham, cheese, egg, olives, tomato, fruit, bread and the lovely lemon curd...and coffee!

Off we went back up the hill to find the old path (steps) down to the port....someone will tell you the name no doubt! Loads of lizards and tired people walking up as we took care walking down in our sandles. I did have to stop as I got a thistle on one of my toes which did hurt....soon sorted!

Another wander around the port which didn't seem as busy as past days before...we got bread for the bakery before sitting on the front for an orange juice at a little place we once again didn't get the name....I am on holiday so please bear with me! :)

It wasn't difficult to choose a place for lunch...To Spitiko which is already our favourite place for food backed up by most people we have met so far!

Liz had the Sea Bream and I had the Lamb Chops after a Greek salad and beers etc.. this was great food in a great place!

We left as the day trippers were heading back to the Symi boat and as soon as we passed the boat it was so peaceful as we decided to follow the more gentle way back to Chorio up the road to check out the views on the way back. Before we knew it we were back up near the windmills and down the little hill and back to......I suppose you will all guess by now....the Rainbow!

Liz had wondered where I had disappeared to yesterday but she found out today as we sat for a few afternoon beers in good company..Jo, Neil, James and a few other regulars....sorry did not get there names. First time I'd met Neil but he may have me sussed as his parting shot was..."i'll see you tomorrow"

Now it would have been nice to talk about another great meal but we can't just keep eating great big meals so another evening was had on the balcony with a little bread, cheese and eggs!

PS...I am missing a beer festival in Northwich today with 20+ friends and should be so jealous but Symi has softened the heartache! :D

Now what do we do tomorrow?

Steve and Liz
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Re: Silverfox on Symi

Postby silverfox » 27 Jun 2015, 20:09


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Re: Silverfox on Symi

Postby Val » 27 Jun 2015, 21:42

Loving your blog Steve and Liz, and those photos are great, especially of the food. You can certainly capture the atmosphere of Symi. When are you going round the island? It's not to be missed for the food alone even if you're not keen on sailing. Please go I want to see the pictures. Keep up the good work.
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Re: Silverfox on Symi

Postby silverfox » 27 Jun 2015, 22:02

Thanks Val...

It's easy to capture the Greek way if you open your hearts and minds.

We instantly relax when reaching a Greek Island which is easy on Symi. We are doing so!

Not sure we will do the boat trip though....we are not lovers of boat trips although the amount done in our lifetime would suggest different.

No set plans so who knows! :)
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Re: Silverfox on Symi

Postby SueO » 28 Jun 2015, 06:20

Hi Steve and Liz

Still really enjoying your blog - keep up the good work!

There are boat trips and boat trips :D A round the island trip on the Poseidon is a Symi experience that you really shouldn't miss. You get to see so many places not accessible on foot and the BBQ is fantastic so do think about giving it a try. Here's a link to some Trip Advisor reviews and photos to give you an idea ...... ... anese.html

Hope you continue to have a wonderful time whatever you decide.

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Re: Silverfox on Symi

Postby Gemma1 » 28 Jun 2015, 08:40

Really enjoying your blog and accompanying pictures, sounds like you're having a wonderful chilled out time :D Think I might try the beer and pasta dish when I go to Zoe's, it will make a change from the stifado which is always very good - though sometimes it's nice to have a change :)
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Re: Silverfox on Symi

Postby silverfox » 28 Jun 2015, 19:42

Right what day is it.....too much beer,red wine, ouzo and I think a little Metaxa nightcap may be the problem!

Still we were up early enough frying the lovely eggs Savesti had kindly gave we finished here son knocked on our door with freshly made donuts with sugar and cinnamon. These people are so nice and generous! I can't praise this place enough to be honest!

After breakfast I decided to go walkies up the hill to find the vantage point to take great pics but I kept being stopped by gates and did not want to upset the locals and plus i'd probably gone up too fast so was feeling a little light headed....nothing to do with that last Metaxa! ;) Looking at the fitbit i've walked at least 20 miles in the last 3 days and with the hills and steps it's not bad for us oldies!

So back down the hill I ventured to have some water and a lay down for 30 mins! I soon recovered and wanted to venture once down the hill we went once gain and a pleasant walk all the way round to Tholos.... the taverna on the far corner.

Our timing was perfect as we got the table at the corner looking back to the harbour and within minutes the place was full.

We had Garlic Bread, Peppers stuffed with cheese, giant beans and lemon potatoes.....I must say great food...and I never even mentioned the Mythos....have now!

We meandered back, which got slightly quicker as Liz said she would like to get the bus back....told you she was getting old! We picked up some mozzy stuff as it seems to be getting hotter at times and we have both been got! Although as I'm typing the wind is getting back plans for the Windmill tonight!

Once back up top it was the beer stop with a nice quiet chat with Neil, he was off to do a little work later and of course Jo turned up before we left! :)

An hour, or was it two, on our balcony and quick shower before heading back down the maze which leads to the top of the Kali Strata and we got no further than Zoes. Table at the front as we were the first there and we had the Bouyourdi for a starter, Liz had Mousaka and I had the Giouvetsi, both dishes a little sparse on the meat but nice tasting.

Thoughts up to now....great Island, nice people and may have to take it steady with the food, with the beer and with those steps! :)
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Re: Silverfox on Symi

Postby silverfox » 28 Jun 2015, 19:50

The lovely donuts.


The lunch view


Some of the lunch

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