Summer Report

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Summer Report

Postby Symi Animal Welfare » 30 Jun 2011, 10:05

Temperatures on Symi are increasing almost daily at the moment, we are getting hotter by the minute as are our animal friends. With so many new kittens around, the 'mums' are struggling to keep their offspring cool - they move the little ones from one place to another, following the sun and shade around at different times of the day.

Can we please, please ask therefore that, however cute they look, you do not pick up young kittens and move them. Should one seem in danger from passing cars and bikes etc, simply shoo it to a nearby, safer spot. When 'mum' returns and is unable to find the kitten she fears the worst and gives up trying to find it eventually. Frequently, especially if the kitten is too young, the consequences are either fateful or it certainly becomes very weak. Mum will not accept it back after the 'kidnapper's holiday has ended either.

Same request as always - a plastic container containing fresh water, left in a shaded and safe spot, is always welcome. Word of warning though, if you do this near to your accommodation, the water supply also attracts the ants who too get very thirsty in this weather.

Your kind donations continue to come and, every now and again, they arrive via an unusual source - at a recent wedding on the island, the guests were asked to make a donation to Symi Animal Welfare.

Thank you so much Kate and Alastair for such a thoughtful gesture and of course, thank you wedding guests!

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Symi Animal Welfare
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